Dawn's Digression.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Our sperm donor has decided he won't be donating to us anymore. Something about how he would be missing important times in the child's life and then something about how this is an exciting time in his life. Something like that. Tracy is a million times more upset than I am. It takes a lot for someone's behavior to shock me. This didn't do it. I'm annoyed, though. Here I am about 10 days before ovulation and having to get set up with a sperm bank so that I don't miss a cycle because he "changed his mind".

I'm trying to be upbeat. For the most part, I'll say my attitude is good. For the most part. ;) There are some advantages of a sperm bank over a known donor. One of the disadvantages is, of course, cost. Genetic material. All of that.

I thought I had something to say, but I guess I don't.

Here's to hoping the bank can process our info at the speed of light and to a good try in March.
Dawn, 8:03 PM


I've known people who had KD nightmares, so while I know this stinks more than almost anything (and I'm sorry to hear it happened to you), it's probably better that he figured it out now instead of you all having a strained relationship or a lot of drama later. I know you know this, and that it's still a bummer, though. Good luck.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:58 PM  

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