Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

An Ounce of Gratitude

Over the last couple of months I've fallen away from my Debbie Ford a little bit. I am working my way back there. Not as quickly as I should, but I will get there.

I was just watching Oprah and she was talking about how when you are truly happy for others, their successes become yours, too. You vibrate at a higher level when you focus on positives instead of negatives. I see how this is true. I've spent a long time being jealous about what other people have. So and so has money. So and so is skinny. So and so has the perfect yadda yadda. God, how defeating! A subtle change in my attitude has made a huge difference.

Example. I saw a high school friend last weekend. I was always jealous of her. Thin, pretty, smart, popular....And I expected the same feelings when I went to see her after 13 years. But there was none of that. I watched her perform in her band. She was smiling at her husband and looked like she was having the best time. She looks happy! I caught myself smiling. I realized that instead of jealousy, I felt an enormous amount of peace to see that she had grown up happy. She's still thin, pretty, smart and bet you a case of Diet Coke she is more financially well off than I am. She also has a Master's Degree. And I think, "Good for you". I am honestly thrilled for her. I'm also thrilled for me. Her life is different from mine. Not better! I am grateful for my blessings. And I am grateful for the hard times that got me to the place I am right now. Right here on our bed in the house of the most amazing woman I have ever met in my life. And not only do I think she's amazing, I think she thinks I'm pretty great, too.

I hope I reme mber this. :) If there are times when I don't, I will come back and read this because it is all true. I also need to remember to enjoy other's successes and happiness. It really does make a difference.

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Dawn, 9:31 PM


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