Dawn's Digression.

Monday, February 12, 2007

I Gots A New Name

I went ahead and posted that post because I've lost one too many long posts in the last few years and I am not interested in re-typing. Nope.

I changed my last name to Tracy's! I have finally gotten rid of that stinky surname that I have no connection to or affection for. So, when the time comes that it is decided I'm going to be a momma, we will all have the same last name. Ain't that cute? The fact that I've changed my name seems to have confused a lot of people. I guess people don't realize that you can change your name to anything you want to. I could have changed my name to ShaNaeNae, and that would have been perfectly fine and legal. One person asked me if this meant we were getting married. One person wanted to know if she had to go to court with me since I took her name. Somebody couldn't understand how we could have the same last name and not be married. Um. Two different legal processes, people. And it ain't legal for lesbians to marry in Texas. When I've told people that we do not have wedding plans, they seem somewhat taken aback. I would marry Tracy in a heartbeat and would probably cry like a little girl. However, I don't feel like I have anything to prove. I love Tracy with all my heart and I will rub her head every night until one of us passes (and God, I hope I go first).

I'm a completely different person since I've been with Tracy. Not as negative. I've learned to look for the blessings in things that really aren't all that great. I'm finding the ever-elusive silver lining and I'm diggin it.

I'm not going to lie and say I'm not disappointed about my cycle this month. My little heart is all broken. My due date would have been my Granny's birthday. There is still hope, I'm gonna keep on peeing on sticks until Tracy sends me to a twelve step program for pee sticks.

Oh! Remember my friend from Sprint? McJenny? Her twins are due in July!!!
How exciting.

I apologize to anyone who reads this and wishes I had told them in person. It's not like I'm announcing a pregnancy or anything....just that one may be coming soon. There was one gal that I was worried about sharing the information with, but she made it easy for me.
Dawn, 9:30 PM


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