Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Yay For March!

Well, February was not our month. So, I made a list of things to do until I am knocked up or things to be grateful for:
  1. Drink wine. I want to try a new wine every week.
  2. Use the hot tub.
  3. Eat badly.
  4. Scoop the cat box. (Um. Maybe that is something I shouldn't look forward to. I'm sure Tracy will appreciate it, though.)
  5. Be selfishly self-centered.
  6. I can use this time to lose a pound or two.
  7. One more month of symptom-free classes
  8. One more month of quiet time with Tracy. We're only a year into this relationship, so now we have at least one more month to enjoy the honeymoon.
  9. Take Xanax.
  10. Take Aleve
  11. Get my abs in better shape. I think the reason why my back has been hurting is because my abs are so weak. This is not good. I would like to have my core in better condition before being pregnant.

I love Spring Break. I wish every week was Spring Break. ;) I feel so much more relaxed. This is pretty silly since it is only two nights of class, but it makes a difference. I can't say I've done much that was useful this week. Drank some wine. Watched some TV. Did some laundry. Went to the gym.

I've been to the gym 3 times this week. This sounds good, but twice was today. The first time I went today was to meet with a trainer. The second time I went for pilates class, but it had been moved to Tuesday. :( I was sad. So I did 20 mins of cardio and then I went next door and got my nails and eyebrows done. Why not? It's only about me a little bit longer. I might as well enjoy these little things.

Oh! I went to the acupuncturist this morning. She poked me for anxiety. I didn't feel the needles, but I could feel burning around where she put them in. Groovy. I have an appointment with the chiropractor on Saturday. The doctor told me that something in my spine effects some nerves or something somewhere and she can do something and make me more fertile. I pretty much think "whatever". My insurance pays for it. I increased my insurance coverage for this year to cover a MiniMe, so I might as well use it, yes? Sure. Why not. I've never been to the chiropractor.

Suzy came over for lunch yesterday, and I had the best time ever. I hadn't seen her since...November, I think. This is a damn shame because I love hanging out with Suzy. She is easy to be with and fun. She positive, funny and smart....all things I enjoy being around. Quite a change from that dinner I went to a couple of weeks ago. :)

So, I'm doing good. We were bummed about the baby thing, but didn't cry or anything. Just said, "Well, here we go again!" We're working on attracting the baby to us. He/she will come when it is time. I just hope the time is soon! Relatively soon.

Dawn, 8:41 PM


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