Dawn's Digression.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Pilates Hurts

I went to dinner with friends the other day. It felt like 3 hours of hanging out with Debbie Downer from SNL. Lord have mercy. I tell you what, the world sure is a miserable place when you set it up that way. Apparently, the entire world is against this couple. Good things come to others, but not to them. I think they need to watch The Secret. (Not that I have, but I have it and intend to. haha) You attract what you exude. I've been having mood issues. I've been listless. Which is part of the reason why we were out with them. I've been really bored and needing human interaction. Hanging out with them did not help my mood all that much.

This reminds me. I haven't been writing down 3 things I'm grateful for each day. I even have a journal just for that. Yikes. This journal says to come up with 5. I have to up my daily dose of gratefulness! ;)

I joined a health club last week. I am sadly, sadly out of shape. I've gained back every ounce of weight I've ever lost and I feel grody. When I was there Tuesday night, a Pilates class was starting, so I thought "What the heck?" and joined in. Oh, my. What a pitiful display of flexibility and strength. I have zero of either. I was shaking and kept having to sit out parts of the exercise. I just couldn't do it. It must be exactly what I need, though, because my entire midsection is sore. I hurts to laugh or cough. This may explain why my back has been hurting. My abs are just too weak. Boo hiss. But. I intend to go back every Tuesday for as long as I can. Tomorrow is yoga, and I haven't decided if I feel brave enough for that. I suppose I should probably go.

I have my second and last midterm tonight. I do not feel good about it at all. If I'm pregnant before school starts in summer, I'm not going to go. I have zero motivation and as soon as I see that positive, I know that my mind will be anywhere except school. It already is. I may elect to not take classes in summer even if I have conceived. I only have a few classes left, so I don't worry about me not finishing. I've worked too hard for too long at this point. But maybe I need a break. I haven't had a semester off in a couple of years. Besides, I need to enjoy what is left of quiet time with Tracy.

I've been extraordinarily cranky the last week or so. I haven't been this cranky in literally months. I'm acting on the assumption that my hormones are just out of whack and have been keeping it in check. I'm not really irritable to outsiders, but poor Tracy has been irritating the crap out of me. She isn't doing anything differently or acting differently. Every little thing just makes my head want to explode. Very annoying. I'm making myself crazy. This too shall pass, though! I'm not concerned. Just irritated. haha
Dawn, 9:20 AM


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