Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Good Day

It's a good day in Dawnland. I woke up on time to a cloudy day and some sweet babies sleeping with me. I got a lot of work stuff done, my Wednesday meeting was mercifully short. My gosh, I am just so rested from my Tracy weekend. Pure bliss. She makes me happy. I hope I try to remember that she is on my side. When things get stressful at home, sometimes we forget that we are on the same team with our significant other and that is so sad.

I love her family. They're quite wonderful. They don't treat me like I'm 'the new girl' or anything like that. Her mom even asked me what date I was moving in. Sweet folks. I think I've mentioned my family loves her as well. Pretty sure I've complained that I suspect they like her more than they do me. haha

Can I get a 'what what' for the peace I'm feeling today? It's been awhile. Yay!
Dawn, 12:07 PM


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