Dawn's Digression.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th!

Hope you had a great 4th. :)

I spent five solid days with my girl, and it was nice. She didn't get on my nerves even once. The kids got on my nerves, but not the woman. Frank had a blast. Loved it out there. He is wiped out. Wiped. He's been sleeping for 2 hours. Poor little guy was so tired, he was barking at the bed because he wanted bedtime. How cute is that? He seems to like his new brother, Lucky. I have no idea if I've mentioned Lucky. I think I have. Lucky is a darn sweet little pooch. Yay! I feel really bad for Frank, though. He was having so much fun and I brought him back here where he just sits and watches me work during the day. Cousin Jack is coming on Friday, though, and will be here for more than a week. I am going to have my hands FULL.

Hey, how is it already July? I remember when July seemed a long time away. Now September seems far. Time is whizzing by, though. It'll be Christmas before I know it, I'm sure. I am getting anxious to get my sorry butt out to Corinth, though. I'm somewhat frustrated by the lack of a move date, but I'm sure it will iron itself out within the next couple of weeks. You know how I am....Once I get an idea in my mind, I'm ready to do whatever I need to do and get it all over with. Not that I mean that in a negative way. Just that I'm ready to be settled. I hate this whole in-between thing. It's buggin' me.
Dawn, 10:36 PM


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