Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Class Night = Blogging

My ambien failed me last night. I took it about 8:30 and was still awake after midnight. Admittedly, I probably would have slept if I had tried, but usually I at least don't remember what I watched on television the night before. I remember very distinctly watching Derailed last night. It was pretty good. Kept my attention, anyway.

I couldn't wait to get to class tonight. I guess I'm just a little tired of work and home feels like a little bit of a chore since there is always something I need to do and my satisfaction level is low in general. Even down to what I'm drinking. Nothing tastes good. PMS is fun.

Why is that UTD has such crappy toilet paper and plain crappy restrooms? What, like they can't afford stalls that actually close? And, hey, while I'm talking about bathrooms...What is the deal with adults that do not flush? Lord. *shiver*

I went over to Tonya's yesterday to float in her pool. When I feel negative, I go straight for Tonya. She really knows how to make you feel better. No, I'm serious. She gets so worked up about stuff I start to see how much of a big deal things really aren't. haha I love my Tonya. I also love that I went from my desk to her pool in 15 minutes. Plus, my wonderful girlfriend had bought me some beer and left it there, so I already had beer.

Mmmm. Who is cute girl in polo and khakis? Hello, cute girl. Cute blonde girl with ponytail.

Tell me this woman next to me is NOT talking on her cell in class. Would walking out the door be that terribly hard?

Ohhh. How about cute married girl in t-shirt too small looking at real estate on her laptop?

Shush. I can look at whatever I want to.

I can't figure out how to get the date at the top of every post. It only posts the date at the top of the first post of that day. I messed around in this template for like an hour last night. It's frustrating me. And what is the deal with the All Consuming? What is with that spacing? It is script, so I have no idea how to fix that.
Dawn, 6:28 PM


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