Dawn's Digression.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Yo, Yo. Check It Out.
My woman left me this morning. I know she is dying to be home, but I'm gonna miss her being around here. At least when I'm home to miss her being here. Tonight is class and I leave early tomorrow morning for Houston(work trip). I get back Friday night, so that isn't too bad. I am certainly looking forward to the long weekend this weekend. As an added bonus to the long weekend, it also seems we have NO plans. Woo! My friend Beth is mailing me a couple of vouchers for a Ranger game this weekend, so we might be doing that. Or maybe I'll just give Tracy the vouchers to take a friend. She might enjoy it more with someone else.
I went to the Grapevine Main Street Festival last weekend. It was really nice. It wasn't like the festival in Fort Worth where it is really crowded. No lines for anything. I went with Tonya's girlfriend, Alma, and was able to bond with her. That bonding is long overdue. I really like Alma and feel bad that I was such a biatch to her in the beginning. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking. Of myself, I'm sure. I ended up buying 4 bottles of wine. I left one with Tonya and Alma Sunday night. Somehow it didn't taste as good at home as it did at the winery. Imagine that.
Summer classes started last week. The prof for my class is an interesting guy. He's cool because he is so excited about his topic. Unfortunately, he talks really fast and not very loud, so I struggle to hear him. Also, he takes attendance and requires a term paper on a boring topic. :( I'm excited to get another core course out of the way, though. Only two more after this!
Oh! The gas wells! I've probably mentioned this at least a million times, but my family has some land out in Joshua. A few months ago, it was decided that a gas well would be put in. Well, the gas well is turning out pretty nice and my mom and her brother and sisters got their first check the other day. Mom is going to pay some of my school loans! How cool is that? I have some pride issues with this, but after getting all worked up about it, I decided to let her help me. I suppose I shouldn't feel bad about it since they are paying for Alex's schooling, but I do, anyway. I have 20K in school loans as of now, so any help will be greatly appreciated.
Debbie Ford. I am. Err. Struggling. I haven't done my "3 things I'm grateful for" thing in at least a week. I'm feeling very negative and I'm none to pleased with myself for it. Especially considering attitude is a choice. What's up with that? I must knock it off. I will.
Things with Tracy have been good. To me. ;) I love that she is intuitive to my moods and thoughts. Kinda stinks because I'm not going to get away with my usual habit of building up resentment. :) Bizarre to me because I haven't had someone pay enough attention to me to know I'm having a mood. I'm loving the whole attention thing and I try not to take advantage.
Life is good. Everything is just puttering along. I have no cause for complaint. The cat seems to be getting over her bladder infection. *crosses fingers* My finances are a wreck as always, but I have everything I need and a bunch of stuff I want. My family rocks. My friends are awesome.
Something not so good. I'm having a hard time practicing faith over fear. I have all kinds of excuses. I almost asked someone the other day if I'm spineless, but I was afraid of the answer, so I didn't ask.
I went to the Grapevine Main Street Festival last weekend. It was really nice. It wasn't like the festival in Fort Worth where it is really crowded. No lines for anything. I went with Tonya's girlfriend, Alma, and was able to bond with her. That bonding is long overdue. I really like Alma and feel bad that I was such a biatch to her in the beginning. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking. Of myself, I'm sure. I ended up buying 4 bottles of wine. I left one with Tonya and Alma Sunday night. Somehow it didn't taste as good at home as it did at the winery. Imagine that.
Summer classes started last week. The prof for my class is an interesting guy. He's cool because he is so excited about his topic. Unfortunately, he talks really fast and not very loud, so I struggle to hear him. Also, he takes attendance and requires a term paper on a boring topic. :( I'm excited to get another core course out of the way, though. Only two more after this!
Oh! The gas wells! I've probably mentioned this at least a million times, but my family has some land out in Joshua. A few months ago, it was decided that a gas well would be put in. Well, the gas well is turning out pretty nice and my mom and her brother and sisters got their first check the other day. Mom is going to pay some of my school loans! How cool is that? I have some pride issues with this, but after getting all worked up about it, I decided to let her help me. I suppose I shouldn't feel bad about it since they are paying for Alex's schooling, but I do, anyway. I have 20K in school loans as of now, so any help will be greatly appreciated.
Debbie Ford. I am. Err. Struggling. I haven't done my "3 things I'm grateful for" thing in at least a week. I'm feeling very negative and I'm none to pleased with myself for it. Especially considering attitude is a choice. What's up with that? I must knock it off. I will.
Things with Tracy have been good. To me. ;) I love that she is intuitive to my moods and thoughts. Kinda stinks because I'm not going to get away with my usual habit of building up resentment. :) Bizarre to me because I haven't had someone pay enough attention to me to know I'm having a mood. I'm loving the whole attention thing and I try not to take advantage.
Life is good. Everything is just puttering along. I have no cause for complaint. The cat seems to be getting over her bladder infection. *crosses fingers* My finances are a wreck as always, but I have everything I need and a bunch of stuff I want. My family rocks. My friends are awesome.
Something not so good. I'm having a hard time practicing faith over fear. I have all kinds of excuses. I almost asked someone the other day if I'm spineless, but I was afraid of the answer, so I didn't ask.
Dawn, 8:23 AM