Dawn's Digression.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Since I've been scolded by the fair Melody, I shall post. But only a short one as I'm getting ready to leave for College Station in about 20 minutes. Alex has some sort of thing today. Honestly, I'm not sure what it is. I just know it entails a change from his Junior to his Senior uniform. HEY! I just had a thought! We're both seniors! Very cool. :)
It's been a busy couple of weeks for me. I have no clue what I've been doing, but I've gotten nothing accomplished. I managed to pull off B's in both classes. B- in Math for Teachers. Might have helped if I had gone to class a little more often. Work has been kicking my ass. I've been sooo busy. With nothing. So weird.
I finished a DF book! YES! I went back and started reading it over that same night, but I haven't touched it much since then. I've picked up The Right Questions and read some of it, but I had already done that. I'm probably pretty close to finishing that as well. I've ordered three more DF books that I'm expecting any day now. Cheap! Four books for $14 including shipping. Woo hoo!
I have JackJack this weekend. Damn cutest little dog. I want a puppy so bad I can hardly stand it. I'm just afraid if I get a puppy right now Tracy won't be able to love it since she has been through so much recently with her dogs. I can't get us a puppy without her being ready and on board. Soon. Just not today. I suppose I'll be the best Aunt Dawn ever to Jackie until then. Damn, this dog is cute. I think I have him next weekend and the weekend after as well. Little squirt.
Oh, and here is a picture from Ruby's visit. I don't have any of her pictures, yet.
It's been a busy couple of weeks for me. I have no clue what I've been doing, but I've gotten nothing accomplished. I managed to pull off B's in both classes. B- in Math for Teachers. Might have helped if I had gone to class a little more often. Work has been kicking my ass. I've been sooo busy. With nothing. So weird.
I finished a DF book! YES! I went back and started reading it over that same night, but I haven't touched it much since then. I've picked up The Right Questions and read some of it, but I had already done that. I'm probably pretty close to finishing that as well. I've ordered three more DF books that I'm expecting any day now. Cheap! Four books for $14 including shipping. Woo hoo!
I have JackJack this weekend. Damn cutest little dog. I want a puppy so bad I can hardly stand it. I'm just afraid if I get a puppy right now Tracy won't be able to love it since she has been through so much recently with her dogs. I can't get us a puppy without her being ready and on board. Soon. Just not today. I suppose I'll be the best Aunt Dawn ever to Jackie until then. Damn, this dog is cute. I think I have him next weekend and the weekend after as well. Little squirt.

Dawn, 8:23 AM