Dawn's Digression.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Can't Sleep
I woke up about 30 minutes ago and I can't go back to sleep. My stomach hurts. Two completely different issues.
Boobies was a good boy at the vet yesterday. I was impressed. The last time I took him, he was a monster, so it was nice to come back from the vet with all the skin left on my arms. He got a clean bill of health and the vet even said he is a perfect size and not at all overweight. I've never had a vet tell me one of my cats was appropriate weight before. They're usually too fat, but not my sweet boy.
I've decided to lock myself in the house this week. No happy hours. No meeting friends. None of that. I am going to dinner tonight with my friend from work since her last day is Friday, but that is IT. I haven't even bothered to go to school. I'm sure I should feel much more guilty about it than I do. It feels soooo good to get out of my work chair at 6, get some stuff done around the house and then cook dinner. It occurred to me last night that this is how I want my life to be. The old familiarity of uneventfulness. I don't want plans all the damn time. Some plans are nice, but having crap several times a week is beating me down. No mas. I can't remember if I've blogged about it or not, but I'm not taking classes this summer. Once again, I should feel more guilty than I do. I need to start caring again, and I just don't see it happening within the next few weeks. I'm thinking that taking the summer off will make me feel so guilty that I will be relieved when school starts again in August.
I found something productive to do with my oral fixation. Instead of eating, drinking or chewing on things I shouldn't, I floss. God, I'm weird sometimes. I bought those little individual flossing things so when I'm at work and get all orally fixated I floss.
A friend and I went to a new church last weekend. I've been wanting to try out a new UU church. The people were incredibly friendly. The message in the sermon was really good. Having said that......Some things were said that I did not like. The reverend made a jab at the unity religion. I may have agreed with a couple of the things he said, but I find it completely disrespectful to insult a religion. So, we're off to find another UU church to visit. I did get a really good quote from the sermon, though. "I promise not to think like you, but to always walk beside you." I like that.
My hair is falling out again. I had noticed that my hair was mostly staying on my head. This was good. :) A couple of weeks ago I noticed my hair was falling out. I thought maybe it was just knappy, so I got it cut. Nope. It is definitely falling out again. Big time. It's really grody. It bothers me most when I wash my hair and keep having to pull hair off my hands. What the hell is wrong with me? I don't have anything to be stressed about. Life is good. Hell, I don't even have anything to complain about! Well, okay. Nothing I feel like complaining about. :D
Alrighty, I'm going to try this sleep thing again. I can get another 3 hours of sleep.
Boobies was a good boy at the vet yesterday. I was impressed. The last time I took him, he was a monster, so it was nice to come back from the vet with all the skin left on my arms. He got a clean bill of health and the vet even said he is a perfect size and not at all overweight. I've never had a vet tell me one of my cats was appropriate weight before. They're usually too fat, but not my sweet boy.
I've decided to lock myself in the house this week. No happy hours. No meeting friends. None of that. I am going to dinner tonight with my friend from work since her last day is Friday, but that is IT. I haven't even bothered to go to school. I'm sure I should feel much more guilty about it than I do. It feels soooo good to get out of my work chair at 6, get some stuff done around the house and then cook dinner. It occurred to me last night that this is how I want my life to be. The old familiarity of uneventfulness. I don't want plans all the damn time. Some plans are nice, but having crap several times a week is beating me down. No mas. I can't remember if I've blogged about it or not, but I'm not taking classes this summer. Once again, I should feel more guilty than I do. I need to start caring again, and I just don't see it happening within the next few weeks. I'm thinking that taking the summer off will make me feel so guilty that I will be relieved when school starts again in August.
I found something productive to do with my oral fixation. Instead of eating, drinking or chewing on things I shouldn't, I floss. God, I'm weird sometimes. I bought those little individual flossing things so when I'm at work and get all orally fixated I floss.
A friend and I went to a new church last weekend. I've been wanting to try out a new UU church. The people were incredibly friendly. The message in the sermon was really good. Having said that......Some things were said that I did not like. The reverend made a jab at the unity religion. I may have agreed with a couple of the things he said, but I find it completely disrespectful to insult a religion. So, we're off to find another UU church to visit. I did get a really good quote from the sermon, though. "I promise not to think like you, but to always walk beside you." I like that.
My hair is falling out again. I had noticed that my hair was mostly staying on my head. This was good. :) A couple of weeks ago I noticed my hair was falling out. I thought maybe it was just knappy, so I got it cut. Nope. It is definitely falling out again. Big time. It's really grody. It bothers me most when I wash my hair and keep having to pull hair off my hands. What the hell is wrong with me? I don't have anything to be stressed about. Life is good. Hell, I don't even have anything to complain about! Well, okay. Nothing I feel like complaining about. :D
Alrighty, I'm going to try this sleep thing again. I can get another 3 hours of sleep.
Dawn, 3:39 AM