Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I'm a happy camper tonight. Different from last. Consistent is boring, right? (Agree with me, dammit!)

I got a little lonely watching American Idol tonight. I talked to the TV. haha I would have much rather been talking to a human, but instead I was talking to Ryan Seacrest. Oy.

I'm kinda disgruntled. I wanted to do my Self-Directed Study on self-mutilation, but I don't see any faculty members that specialize in that kind of thing. Everything at UTD appears to be very congnitive, speech related, or education-oriented. No, no and no. I believe UNT has a much better program for this kind of thing, but I'm too fall along to transfer and UNT is too damn far.

That's all I can do tonight. I gotta go to bed. Dentist in the morning!
Dawn, 11:11 PM


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