Dawn's Digression.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Short One

Wow, it's been a bit since I blogged, hasn't it? I've been meaning to, but I just don't know what I have to say.

The one week of Spring Break wasn't nearly long enough. I didn't even have time to get really bored. I didn't catch up on any reading. BUT. I did finish my collage! Yay! It's hardly a work of art, but it is done. And I reckon I'm happy with it. I never did finish that Choices card from a couple of weeks ago. I think that my issue with it is that I don't want to be quite that honest with myself. I can't explain that statement, really. I can't decide how wrong it would be for me to put it back in the stack and pull it out later. It's obviously not getting me anywhere. Might as well pick another one and at least accomplish something. Right? Sure. I love cop-outs.

Well, it's time for me to leave for school. I wasn't going to go tonight because I do NOT want to. I'm tired and maybe a little depressed...Not sure. Actually, it's probably just my hormones cuz my friend is due late this week. I shall look joyously upon the day that it is no longer "PMS". Alright...off I go. Just wanted to break my dry spell of blogging to see if I can regain interest.
Dawn, 5:27 PM


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