Dawn's Digression.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Shut The Mind Up

Well, I do feel a bit better, thanks goodness, but it has been a very heavy day. I got an article from a friend that talked about marriage and how happiness is inside us and that changing who we're with won't change our happiness. Right for the jugular. I didn't get all upset, it's just been hanging out in the front of my mind all day.

The whole school/baby thing may have freaked me out a bit as well, but I sat down tonight during class and made myself a 'master plan' so to speak. Somehow I am pretty much still on target to start trying to conceive one year from NOW. Of course, the whole conception thing will be hit or miss and may take a year or more. I'm not quite cocky enough to think it will be easy. It will be a long, lonely road in my eyes....the whole conception thing. And it will be terrifying if/when I find out there has been a success. Me. Single Mom. Freaking scary. I know it can be done. And when it is time, it is time. It's time for me. I've done everything I really see me doing and it's time for me to move on to diapers, soccer practices, teacher conferences and nights of watching horrid Disney movies. I still have a year to kick it up, and you can bet your bippy I'll be living the next year.
Now that I have that part down, I get to figure out the money part. I have the friend I've known for 10 years that has offered his 'services', but I am a little uncomfortable because I want the sample to be as *clean* as possible. I think you know what I'm saying.

But hey, I got something straightened out in my mind which is more I had then when I left for school. I can see I can begin trying this time next year.....This gives a few months of misses until the fall. I totally want an Autumn baby, but that may not be what nature intends. We'll see.

Stupid collage making me all focused and stuff. OY.
Dawn, 11:10 PM


Once you try for a couple of months, you really stop caring when it's born. At first we were all "hmm, not too sure about a Leo baby..." but let me tell you, at this point I would take ANY baby at ANY time if my eggs would just work.

Congrats on making the master plan! I'm glad you're feeling better.
Blogger mel, at 12:57 AM  

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