Dawn's Digression.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day. :D

I've been blogging in my mind for literally hours.

Argh. My electricity bill is killing me. Tell me how I use $150 a month. *sigh*

Braum's carries meat now? What?

My GOD. What is with this music I'm listening to. It's all about Daddy drinkin' and Momma doing drugs and children being all screwed up. Where are my razor blades? Geez, Louise.

Okay, seriously. I am disgusted with myself. As a Virgo, I am extremely critical. Not just of others, but of myself. I paid a credit card late. Excuse me? Miss Balance-the-checkbook-twice-a-week paid something late? Oh, HELL no. Not acceptable. Oy. I gotta get my ass in gear. I will. I have faith.

HEY! I said I have faith! Someone write that down. FM, you are the one. :) You'll remember me I said that. My conscious and watch dog you are. :-* BTW, no I have not been to that restaurant, but I've heard lots of good things about it. :)

Man, I had a day. You'll notice I didn't say a good day or a bad day. I'm not sure what it was, but I went through a bazillion emotions. <-- that's a bunch! Cried at least 3 times today. Big alligator tears when it was time to kiss JackJack goodbye. Poor little doggy. I'm sure I scared him with all that crying. Broke my heart. Thank goodness I decided against taking partial custody of Ginny. But I gotta tell ya, that JackJack is one heck of a cute puppy. Feels kinda empty around here without him. I must say, though, that I don't think the cats are upset he is gone. heh Spent a good portion of my drive to school being completely and totally pissed off at the ex as I recalled Valentine's Days past. Dang. First Valentine's Day...well, what would have been if she had acknowledged my existence, consisted of a fight. I had moved out of the apartment with Rachel five days before....Rachel came over and we had an ambien and wine and sat on the roof. I passed out, in true Dawn fashion. I can't say all the Valentine's Days were bad. Last year was hard and the year before was absolutely horrid. Let's just say I ended up ordering a pizza and drinking a 6-pack of Zima alone in the living room. Woo-frickin' hoo. Hot diggity dog. I have got to let go of this anger. I have to say that for the most part, I feel like I'm doing pretty good with it. I don't spend all my time looking back. Sure, every now and then I get a little pissed. Today was one of those days. But mostly I'm just amazed by what I put up with and consider it a life lesson. A big one. I'm better for all of it. Pissy at times, but better. :) Oh, shout out to a couple of new readers! Hello Gayle and Julie!! Howdy! It looks like I have someone in Irving, too, but I'm not sure who you are. Howdy. Well, the test today didn't kill me. I managed to get through almost all 4 chapters in the hour and a half before class. I know I passed it. Miraculously. With curve, I will have a very low B, I believe. Though not proud, I am relieved. Based on what I did to prepare, I deserved about a 36. I kill myself sometimes.
My friend Robert sent me a couple of pics tonight. This is me and Jennifer. Me loves her. I forgive her for being straight. How foxy is she? SuperMega. That's how foxy.
This second picture is just funny. Kinda makes me want to post the "Cheesecake" picture of Rachel from prom. he. hehe. hehehe. For some reason my friend gets a kick out of it, so I might as well post it. Maybe someone else out there in the world will get a kick out of it, too. Who knows. I was barely legal here. It scares me he gets such a kick out of it. Should I call the authorities?

Um, I don't think I covered all the stuff that was invading my brain tonight. That is probably a good thing.
Dawn, 10:32 PM


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