Dawn's Digression.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Little Distraction

I will do anything to avoid studying. Right now I am engrossed in Little House on the Prairie. I always wanted to name my daughter Caroline after Laura's mom. Thought it was a nice name. She could go by Cara. :) Then my aunt named her daughter Carole. Oops. So much for that.

Should I ever finish reading Chapter 1, I'm gonna have me a Coke Float. I've been wanting one for days, and my weekend off the Atkins is almost over. I hope this is the jump start I need, cuz I've been feeling icky for several days now. Ugh.

I have yet to come up with anything for my "Faith" card where I'm supposed to determine where fear is holding me back and I should have more faith. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, is it? heh

Aww. All the townschildren are collecting tin and iron for the town bell. *sigh* What a great show. They brought all their toys to the blacksmith to be melted. *sniffle* Sure is a little bell. Mmmm. Bread. Ma made bread.

I slept until 2 today. About 13 hours of sleep. Yucky. Dawn tired.
Dawn, 2:37 PM


Tinker Jones made the bell because God wanted him to and wanted for the townsfolk to quit fighting and have church like they used to.


Stupid show.
Blogger Dawn, at 2:58 PM  

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