Dawn's Digression.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Little Distraction
I will do anything to avoid studying. Right now I am engrossed in Little House on the Prairie. I always wanted to name my daughter Caroline after Laura's mom. Thought it was a nice name. She could go by Cara. :) Then my aunt named her daughter Carole. Oops. So much for that.
Should I ever finish reading Chapter 1, I'm gonna have me a Coke Float. I've been wanting one for days, and my weekend off the Atkins is almost over. I hope this is the jump start I need, cuz I've been feeling icky for several days now. Ugh.
I have yet to come up with anything for my "Faith" card where I'm supposed to determine where fear is holding me back and I should have more faith. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, is it? heh
Aww. All the townschildren are collecting tin and iron for the town bell. *sigh* What a great show. They brought all their toys to the blacksmith to be melted. *sniffle* Sure is a little bell. Mmmm. Bread. Ma made bread.
I slept until 2 today. About 13 hours of sleep. Yucky. Dawn tired.
Should I ever finish reading Chapter 1, I'm gonna have me a Coke Float. I've been wanting one for days, and my weekend off the Atkins is almost over. I hope this is the jump start I need, cuz I've been feeling icky for several days now. Ugh.
I have yet to come up with anything for my "Faith" card where I'm supposed to determine where fear is holding me back and I should have more faith. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, is it? heh
Aww. All the townschildren are collecting tin and iron for the town bell. *sigh* What a great show. They brought all their toys to the blacksmith to be melted. *sniffle* Sure is a little bell. Mmmm. Bread. Ma made bread.
I slept until 2 today. About 13 hours of sleep. Yucky. Dawn tired.
Dawn, 2:37 PM
Tinker Jones made the bell because God wanted him to and wanted for the townsfolk to quit fighting and have church like they used to.
Stupid show.
Tinker Jones made the bell because God wanted him to and wanted for the townsfolk to quit fighting and have church like they used to.
Stupid show.