Dawn's Digression.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Love, Man.

I fucking love my iPod.

You could have steam train...
if you'd just lay down down your tracks
you could have an airplane flying
If you bring you blue sky back
All you do is call me,
I'll be anything you need.

I've been meaning to blog all day, but believe it or not, I've been working. No, really. Don't be a smart ass. I have.

Mom asked today if I need an iA meeting. (iPod Anonymous) I do. I haven't been this enthralled by anything since my last post. ;) Seriously. I can't name the last time something made me his happy. Well. Er.


We'll be nice. ;)

I am the fucking happiest to ever happy around.

Shaddup. Let us never speak of this again.
Until tomorrow, when I brag again.

Why do the cats run when I sing? Damn cats.

Did I mention to ya'll that some chick bought me a beer at the other day? Weirdest damn thing ever. I got a free hot dog the other day, too. This leads me to believe that wearing my hair down is a good thing. I don't get this. My hair is a frizzy friggin' mess. Whatevah. If I get hit on and free hot dogs, I will do whatever is asked. I'm cheap like that. What cha gonna do?

I hate school this semester. And it's not even so much that I hate it. It's that I don't give a rat's ass. I'm sick of it. Sick of showing up. I've been doing this shit for....um...how long, FM? My GOD. At least five years now. I'm treading water. I'm just tired. I know what I want out of my future, and it's within my grasp....makes this harder by the day. I actually had to repeat my proposed daughter's name to myself the other day in order to get to school. I just know this is what she needs. Otherwise, I think I might just forget it for now. I'm tired.
Dawn, 12:27 AM


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