Dawn's Digression.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Good Weekend

I had the most awesome weekend. Unparalleled.

I went to a kick ass Stars game on Saturday with a co-worker. We had friggin' awesome seats. Modano scored the winning goal during the shootout. Which, by the way, I don't think is fair to say. What about the other 2 guys who scored during the shootout? Why does Modano get all the glory when the other two did the same thing? *shrug* Whatever. I don't know jack about hockey. Then, Saturday night I went out to a bar with Tracy, Tonya and Renee. I seriously thought I was gonna fall asleep standing up before I left for the bar. I was a little subdued, but I get that way when I'm in a new place. I don't like new places.

Oh! And some of Michele's friends were there. Ew. I was uncomfortable for a few minutes because I was afraid they would ask me questions, but they didn't. Well, one did, but that was after I walked up to her and asked how she was, etc. I have got to contact Patti & Helen, but once again, I fear questions.

Mom and I are going to see Sheryl Crow. We got pretty decent seats. That'll be cool.

I'm supposed to go to Houston this coming weekend and I SO do not want to go. Thinking about my schedule this week KILLS ME. KILLS me. Dawn so tired. Mom called me this morning and mentioned something about picking me up on Friday. I was all, "hunh?" Dad's birthday dinner. I knew about dinner, but not about her picking me up. Saturday = Houston Sunday = Super Bowl party. Monday, Tuesday = school. Somebody call the waaaaaambulance!

I'm out of Diet Coke, cheese and cat food. When the HELL am I supposed to go to the store? *stress*

Random question. If someone told you, "You'll be a great catch in two years," would you take this as a compliment or no? I'm thinking this is not a compliment. Does this mean I'm not a great catch now?

Dawn hungry. She not want to eat. As soon as I eat, my stomach will hurt. I guess I haven't complained about this in awhile. We'll keep it like that. *next subject*


Still loving the nameless iPod.

Ouch! Just burned myself with chicken juice. I jumped up and down and everything. Looks like I'm going to live, though.
Dawn, 10:49 AM


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