Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Cheese 911

I'm out of cheese! ACK! I have shredded cheese, but what the heck am I supposed to do with that?

Anyhoo, I'm back from Nashua. Ruby and I had a completely uneventful weekend. Well, I shouldn't say that. We both enjoyed an ASC (alternative state of consciousness) on Saturday. Jessica was apparently drunker than she had EVER been. She was pretty sloshed, I must say. I have to say it is a scary evening the night that I am the most sober of the group. I have a couple of blackmail pictures, but I need to check them out before I even think about posting.

Ruby and I took photo booth pictures, of course. I LOVE those. I shall post for your entertainment. I think that first you need an old pic. Because I say so. This is the only reason. Not true. It amuses me. :) OH, for crying out loud. I took those pics off my flash drive. I am SO not getting up. Here, just take the one from last weekend and be happy. For crying out loud, even that won't work. Grrrr. I'll try again later from one of my other computers.


I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the love of my life. She doesn't talk back, she sings to me, and I never ever ever want to be away from her. EVER.
I don't have her name, yet, but it will come soon. I thought I had it earlier today, but it didn't stick. Kinda wish Ophelia was still available, but that's alright. I'll come up with something better. Obviously, I am loving the hell out of this thing. I was in some kind of lame ass mood the other night and I put a bunch of cheesy crap on it. For example, right now I'm listening to "It's So Easy" by Linda Ronstadt. Really. Even scarier is that I actually bypass some of my Indigo Girls to listen to this stuff. heh. Oh, and did I tell you I bought a new laptop? I can't remember. Um. Yeah. Dawn had a couple of moments with the plastic. :( Do you know how many vials of sperm I could have bought for a laptop and iPod? This is rhetorical. Please do not answer this question.

In addition, I bought some foxy pants at Old Navy. OMG, ya'll. Powder frickin' blue. POWDER BLUE. If I can't have the $200 boots, I might as well have the $10 pants, right? They are two sizes smaller that what I have been wearing. Hmm. Maybe just one size. But that is with that one size being quite snug. Or as Ruby says, 'supportive'. heh. Of course, I have no shirt to go with this. I can wear my Herman Monster shoes with them, but I have no shirt. :( Does this lead to more shopping? God, let's hope not.

Now playing: Erasure - Ship of Fools. How long has it been since you've heard that?
And now: 2 Legit, 2 Legit, 2 Quit. This reminds me. I need more Hammer. Hush. I like the Hammer. Don't make me do the Hammer dance for you. I might. NO, I won't. I think I told ya'll about the time I wasn't thinking and busted into the Hammer dance in a co-worker's office, didn't I? *rolls eyes* Julie's jaw just dropped and then she burst out laughing. Hey, the Hammer is NOT funny.

While I'm sitting here doing the hand signs to go with this song, it reminds me about my whole sign language resolution. I'm not exactly knocking 'em dead, but it hasn't completely gone by the wayside. I've got a few more. My favorite signs are 'foxy' and 'understand'. Can't really make a sentence with that, but there you have it. Hmm. *thinking* "I understand you're foxy?" hehe "I understand nothing foxy"? Ooo. Rage. Good one. "I want you" Can do that. I can make 2 year old sentences. *sigh* There's a class that starts in March. It's continuing ed, and I'm noodling on that. Right now, I can see it is a no-go. I can't take anything else on, but GEEZ, do I want to take it. It's only like 6 or 8 weeks (My Immortal - Evanescence) long and is on Saturday mornings. Like I have anything else to do with that time.

Here's something that entertains me. The most listened to songs on my iPod: All The Gold in California and Cover of The Rolling Stone.

Gosh, I forgot how much I loved this song. "And though you're still with me, I've been alone all along......." May it be a long, long time before I know that feeling of loneliness again. *crosses fingers* I'm still feeling good these days. And it is still throwing me off. I got the coolest book in the mail today. "The Best Year of Your Life Kit" Comes with these great cards. Every day you're supposed to pull one out.

Let's play. Today would have been.... Ack. These are long. I don't wanna type it any more than you want to read it. So anyway, on one side of the card it says something like "Make Powerful Requests" and it talks about what that means. You turn the card over and there is some kind of assignment. Like "...Acknowledge areas in your life where you're able to make powerful requests. In what situations or relationships are you able to clearly ask for what you need?" Cool, eh? I may set these on the bar or something. My brain is currently on overload.

I gotta tell you something. I love the song Yahoo! by Erasure. Always have. OMGosh. Erasure is quite Christian aren't they?
Dawn, 11:28 PM


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