Dawn's Digression.

Friday, January 13, 2006

What the hell have I been doing the last two years?

I have this little thing I've been doing for several years. After the first of the year I go through my ENTIRE file cabinet. I put my financial statements in chronological order, shred a year of statements, and make new files. Why did I just shred statements from 2001 and 2002? ??? I didn't shred last year or the year before. Um. Hello?

Random complaint: I don't wanna go to the massive chain dentist my plan wants me to go to. I wanna go to the pretty place where you can watch DVDs and they sedate you. Is this too much to ask?

My jeans just got tight. I need elastic. And to put away the whipped cream. I've been sitting in this chair so long, my butt hurts. More than 12 hours...except when I met Suzy for lunch. Not good.

Wish I had a DVD player in my bedroom or in here. Dude. Seriously. I should just go buy one. Oy.
Dawn, 10:06 PM


Commenting to myself is fun.
Blogger Dawn, at 2:23 AM  

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