Dawn's Digression.
Monday, January 09, 2006
I actually have something negative to say about a friend. There is this person I've been friends with for at least 8 years. I really like this individual. HOWEVER, last time I saw my friend, it was brought up several times that I will always be married in Vermont. Um. Do we not think I know this and that maybe it is a sore subject for me? Do we think I am unaffected? Do we think there is something positive to come from reminding me of this several times in one night? That's too bad. It really is, because I can't be around negativity right now. I just don't see the benefit. I did pop off and reply once with some sort of smarty pants reply such as, "Oh, I have an idea! How about if I lie around all depressed and punish myself for a bad decision for the rest of my life?!? That would be a GREAT idea!"
Dawn, 12:42 AM