Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Survey. Because I Can

My little throat hurts. Don't you feel sorry for me? I'm sure you do.

Today is the first day of my second Atkins attempt. The goal is 2 months, so I'm expecting 6 weeks. ;) One must be realistic. You can only eat so much meat and cheese before you go mental.

  1. last car ride: I went to the store today.
  2. last kiss: Shhh. I'm daydreaming
  3. last good cry: I don't know. I guess when I saw Rent. I don't have much reason for tears.
  4. last library book checked out: I need to get a card in Grapevine. No idea.
  5. last movie seen: The Exorcism of Emily Rose
  6. last book read: I'm reading April Shadows by VC Andrews
  7. last cuss word uttered: I would venture to say 'dammit'
  8. last beverage drank: water
  9. last food consumed: Pizza casserole
  10. last crush: Shush. I'm daydreaming.
  11. last phone call: Ruby
  12. last TV show watched: Next on MTV
  13. last time showered: This afternoon
  14. last shoes worn: New ugly shoes from Kohl's. I love them.
  15. last cd played: One I burned with "Drunker Than Me" and "Tequila Make Her Clothes Fall Off" on it. :D
  16. last item bought: A crapload of meat and cheese
  17. last downloaded: Rope the Moon, John Michael Montgomery
  18. last annoyance: My coffee table is too heavy.
  19. last disappointment: Finding out Michele is still using the toll tag even after she said she was taking care of it. For the love of Pete, do what you say you're going to do.
  20. last soda drank: Diet Sprite at Wal-Mart
  21. last thing written: hand-written...I wrote in my journal last night. Other than that, IM to Tracy
  22. last key used: backspace
  23. last word spoken: boobies. haha. Wait. I said, "You ready for bed, Boobies?"
  24. last sleep: last night
  25. last im: Tracy. I just said that. Duh.
  26. last sexual fantasy: Oh, hell no. You gotta ask for that info. And even then you probably aren't getting it.
  27. last weird encounter: Weird? I dunno. The guy at the sports bar across the street recognized me today. That's kind bizarre.
  28. last ice cream eaten: That carton I ate a couple of weeks ago that really jacked with my face. At least it was good.
  29. last time amused: I amuse myself all the time.
  30. last time wanting to die: Gosh. I can't honestly answer that because I am not sure.
  31. last time hugged: Today. (Suzy!)
  32. last time scolded: Ha. Scolded. You must be kidding. I'm single.
  33. last time resentful: I'm doing pretty well on this. I dunno.
  34. last chair sat in: work chair
  35. last lipstick used: I can't remember what it is called, but it's Avon.
  36. last underwear worn: white
  37. last bra worn: The comfy one that is hideously unattractive.
  38. last shirt worn: I'm wearing a tank that says, "I see London, I see France..."
  39. last time dancing: Err. Uh. Hmm. Gosh, who did I dance with the other day? Oh, nevermind. That was in my head. hehe. I danced with Boobies today. Him not like it.
  40. last show attended: Show. No clue. Uh oh. I better get myself to some sort of show!
  41. last webpage visited: Blogger.
Dawn, 12:03 AM


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