Dawn's Digression.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

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Possibly. What's your point? HUNH?

::.What feeling are you trying to hide?.::

You are hiding hatred and anger!All of the feelings of anger you have are just boiling away in your heart, burning up everything else. You may lose your temper a lot and explode on people, but that's only because you try to lock it all away! You're not completely sure what you're mad about half of the time, but can't really help it.
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That's right, I'm bubbly when I'm not angry.

What lies inside your soul (anime pics)

Your as sweet as can be. Your a sucker for love movies and cant wait or already have a romance of your own. Your bubbly, day dreamy and fun to be with although its a little bit annoying having someone being perky 24/7.
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Stupid cheap frozen Cosmo makes my back hurt and now I have to eat crackers.

You are most like:

Laid Back

You are easy to please as long as your special someone is around. But don't forget that a touch of romance is always appreciated.


Take this quiz: What kind of boyfriend or girlfriend are you?
Visit Toys For Your Blog.com for more blog quizzes

I gotta go to bed. Stupid Cosmo. I really don't feel well.
Dawn, 2:20 AM


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