Dawn's Digression.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

More Hockey

(hehe. More Hockey.)

LaTonya and I are going to a hockey game Thursday night. Tonight (Monday Night) the Stars played the same team they are playing Thursday. If tonight was any indication, I imagine The Stars will win Thursday as well. Then, Alex and I are going to the Vancouver game on 1/4. And you know what I'm gonna wear? My brand new Stars jersey! Yay, Gma and Gpa! Woo!

I caught someone lying to me the other day. I didn't call you on it, but I do know you lied to me. I have enough brains to track IP addresses...Backwards when necessary. Didn't know I lived in an apartment, hunh? Right on.

*back on*
Seems like I owe ya'll an epiphany. Of course, now it doesn't seem so much like an epiphany. Now it is just an observation, but in the moment it hit me pretty hard and I felt pretty darn free. (I think my meds are finally leveled out. I feel pretty stable and stuff.) This is going to sound stupid.

Okay, so I'm driving somewhere one day. Target or something. Who knows. A~, as I'm driving, Ghost comes on and I realize that I am no longer "weakened like Achilles with you always at my heels". Whoa. This is big news for me. Huge. I'm not in love with anyone's ghost. I let her go. She's not 'the one'. Have I ever said that? I'm not sure I have. I love her more than Apples and Toast, but... hunh. So, I suppose that is the 'epiphany'. Between the dissolution of my marriage and the 'letting go' of my Ghost, I feel like I've lost a huge weight. Life looks different.I have a couple of more exorcisms, but they are going to be easy. Easy breezy. One I will call, the other I will journal about, and I'll be done with the past. Kewl. I need to put that on my resolution list for 2006. First quarter. Git 'er done. Woo!

Ugh. School. I did not fare well last semester. B- in both classes. Let us never speak of it again. I'm registered for Spring. Monday - Cognitive Psych with a prof to dread. Tuesday - Math Methods for Elementary Teachers (Cuz I just love math!) Wednesday - Religions. I'm pretty sure I will drop the religion class. Three classes at once would probably do me in. But I got pissed today when I realized I'm still a Junior. I must have missed it by a credit or two. OY.

I'm gonna greet 2006 like it's the second coming. No mas. No mas. The last few months have not been pretty. Well, okay, spots here and there have been nice. :) No jacking with the meds in 2006. Back to saving 25% of my paycheck. Back to Curves. Back to Atkins. This is BS, man! At least this is the plan. The 25% thing may not happen thanks to my new inflated rent, but I'll get as close as I can. :) I think I'll not worry about buying a dwelling in 2006. At least this is what I say now. My apartment is okay. Unless you count this carpet. UGH! Hmm. I wonder if I can handle three classes? (Uh oh. Meds have me TOO happy today.)

OMG, I turn 32 in 2006. I was putting on my make up at Mom's last week and she was sitting in there talking to me. I stopped and looked in the mirror and pointed out my new wrinkle. Mom was kinda quiet and then said, "Well, hon, you are 31." What the hell is that supposed to mean? Dammit. 30 is the new 20. This makes me 21. Or is that 20-eleven? I'm goofy sometimes because I forget I'm getting older. Cracks me up. I asked one of my cousins if she was 21 the other day. She just looked at me for a minute and then said, "I'm 25." Heh. My bad. I was actually confused for a couple of minutes. I think someone needs a reality check! :P

I talked to Ruby today. Looks like I am definitely going to Nashua for a long weekend in Spring. I was thinking February, but it will still be VERY cold there at that time. Actually, now that I'm looking at the weather, it looks like summer will be a good time. I have GOT to get out of here before then, though. Cruise? Vegas? Hmm. I have a couple of friends that live in CA. Nah. Ooo. Napa. Yes, please. I suppose I should look over at my 43 things to the left and get something marked off my list.
Dawn, 2:53 AM


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