Dawn's Digression.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Skate Town

I have so much to blog about!

I actually made it to Skate Town today. *smiles* I had another 'feels so funny to be free' moment. I threw up my arms while coming around the bend and sang out "feels so funny to be free". Well, I did in my head, anyway.

I haven't been skating in probably 10 years. Why is this? Because whoever I was with didn't want to go? This is goofy. I hope that my last relationship was the last of my velcro relationships. Either that, or I need to find someone who enjoys roller skating and concerts. ;) Anyway, how fun. I skated for just about an hour before I thought I was going to pass out. I didn't fall down or trip up any small children. I was concerned the first few minutes, because I was completely ungraceful. My third time around the rink found me in my comfort zone. *sigh* I love roller skating. OH! I can rent out the rink for two hours for a hundred people for only $395. I can't imagine finding 20 people willing to roller skate, let alone 100. It was a fun plan in my head for a good 5 minutes, though.

I'm watching last season's season finale to the L Word. Tina just gave birth and I got all teary and crap. It shall come to pass when I am ready.

I will post a picture of Carson tomorrow. Carson is Jennifer and Danny's baby. I went over there and had the best time. Jennifer let me give him his bedtime bottle. I sat in the glider chair and rocked him while he took his bottle. OMG, the peace. *sigh*

I met Michele on Saturday to separate our cell phone account. Ugh. The separating of the cell phone didn't work. It would have cost us $150 each for splitting it before May 28. wonder how much I'll lose on this deal. Why did I care that Michele would be out $150. I was just going to pay my $150 and feel free to move about the country, but NO. OY. Of course, she was more than pissed that I gave her a check for her half of the stock. Um, hello? Just call your IRA plan and buy the friggin' stock. For cryin' out loud. Yes, the Sirius was her idea? So what? Maybe she should have bought it with her 401K instead of my IRA, then. *shrug* I have to be completely heartless and file that under "Not My Problem". I bet you anything she doesn't cash that check. Grrrr. We ended up having lunch and talking for a long time.

I'm trying to say something I can't phrase right. You know how after you break up with someone, you still have those residual feelings when you sit across from them and look in their eyes? How you want to fold your arms around them for a few minutes? You are whisked back in time to when you looked in those eyes and felt love? Notsomuch. How sad is that? It's awful. Awful. When she left without saying 'bye', I didn't even bother to be hurt or disturbed. I just took it as who she is.

One thing cool between her snide remarks and comments was that she asked, "How much weight have you lost, anyway?" I looked past most of what she said after that. :) I haven't been feeling at all foxy lately, so that pretty much made my weekend. I did notice that a couple of shirts are fitting better and that my jeans were loose, but I didn't think all that much about it. I have water-retention issues, so my clothes fit different sometimes. But, hell, if she thinks I lost weight, I'll take that and run with it.

I do have to say, however, that I am very unhappy with her snide comments and remarks. Her comments and questions were completely out of line. I ignored the comments and answered the questions. She did a fine job of defending her behavior at church. She claims things are not what they seem. I told her who she sees or doesn't see is none of my business, but how I am treated is my business and that I didn't appreciate the disrespect.

I bought a new bird today. He hasn't told me his name, yet, but I will let you know as soon as he does. And this is definitely a male. He's very pretty. Quiet. He is still stressed. I'm sure he'll sing in a day or two.

School starts tomorrow. Ugh. Three days a week until 10pm. Can someone please explain to me why I would take a math class again this semester? What the hell am I thinking? Mathematic Concepts for Teachers. I'm thinking "Jane has 3 apples, Billy eats one. How many apples does Jane have?" I had to buy a solution manual to go with the book. Clearly, I had the wrong idea. At least Wednesday night will be religion night and I find that interesting. Which brings me to an annoyance from the visit with Michele on Saturday. I ask her about "The Message" and ask if she has a copy. She says, no, but Patti and Helen gave her another Bible that is supposed to be readable. Anyhoo, I told her I'm going to try to read The Message this year and she looked at me like I was an alien from another planet and asked, "Why? Why would you read that?" I told her I am also planning to read the Tao Te Ching. Um, hello? HELLO? I've been interested in religion for a long friggin' time. HELLO? I believe in spirituality. Why would I read it? Because I am also interested in not being ignorant. This has not changed, and had someone taken the time to talk to me, this would be an easy answer. Uh oh. This annoys me. I must move on. I shall sum up by saying that I will NOT be pigeon-holed. This is my brain, my soul and I will not base my belief system on what anyone else thinks. So there. ;)
Okay, so to get back on topic, I am not real excited about school except for Wed nights.

I'm going to see Ruby next weekend. Well, if my boss gives me the 'okay'. I can't imagine it will be a prob. I didn't take any time off over the holidays. Also, I have 54 hours that rolled over. Woo!
On the 28th, my friend is taking me to see the Stars vs Red Wings. In the platinum club. Yeah, I feel like a big shot (it doesn't take much). The weekend after that is Houston to see Melissa Ferrick. Well, golly gee, I seem to have no plans this coming weekend. What a blessing, hunh? I haven't decided on Rome. Ruby wants to go on a cruise next year, though, and I am IN for that. She wanted to go in January, but I will have school. If we can work out the scheduling I'm there. Mexico departing from Galveston. This is on my 43 Things list. :D

Meat makes me hungry. I eat and literally 5 minutes later I'm hungry. *sigh*
Dawn, 8:17 PM


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