Dawn's Digression.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Okay, I finally have my Resolutions done. Unfortunately, I have a couple I'm unable to make measurable, so they will be Points of Focus for 2006. ;)

  1. Learn 5 signs (sign language) a week.
  2. Learn a new word every week.
  3. Read The Message.
  4. Read Tao Te Ching
  5. Fit in these Pussyfoot PJs I have on by COB April. I have them on, now, but I'd have no business wearing around others. I want them to fit in a cute way.
  6. Visit one destination on my 43 Things list. (Maybe I should 'add' Boston on there. That would be cheating, hunh? This will be a hard one.)
  7. Diversify Stocks
  8. Sign up for my company's 401K.

Points of Focus

  1. Don't be a doormat.
  2. Maintain focus of major life goals
  3. Remember what is important in life
  4. Avoid/terminate unhealthy relationships.
  5. Maintain life balance, both emotionally and spiritually
  6. Strengthen relationships with friends

I think I have to go to bed. My long island and ambien have come to haunt me.

Boobies is poking at me to go to bed.

Dawn, 12:16 AM


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