Dawn's Digression.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Yup, Still Up
I am still up and still in the same chair wearing the same sweater I've been in all day. I think my butt has finally grown numb. See, the thing is.... I don't want to go to bed. I'm having such a pleasant time these days, that I don't want to miss any of it. Not that tonight has been exciting, but it's been nice. My body says I'm exhausted, but the brain just don't care. Not a bit.
I almost hate myself for saying this (but not quite - heh), but moving out of the house is one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I could have stayed and been the dutiful wife and been fantastically unhappy, but instead we have me not wanting to go to bed because things are fun and interesting. (This is SO going to catch up to me.) I have a peace about me.
I know I keep talking about it, and I'm sure I have beat you down with my happiness by now, but gosh, I am so liberated by my choice to be happy.
I had something else...man, what was it? Something random and uninteresting.
Oh! I have a new phone. This one actually accepts and sends text messages. Haha. Whew. Back with the times. I kinda want to call someone.
I bought new 'chapstick'. Is this interesting? What if I tell you it is French Vanilla? What is the big difference between regular vanilla and French vanilla, anyway? I know French vanilla ice cream has pieces of bean in it. Which, by the way, the sister-aunt Laura, told me were fleas. I can't look at French vanilla ice cream to this day without thinking "Vanilla ice cream with fleas in it." I still like it, though.
Oops. I meant to do my 401K tonight. My bad. :( Fun! (Really.) When I called to make changes to my auto insurance the lady started yacking in my ear about portable life insurance, which is on my list of things to do this year.... There are like a trillion options! I told her I'd have to call her back after I read that section of "Personal Finance for Dummies". Why am I blogging this? Were you just sitting there wondering about my life insurance policy? I'm doubting it.
Can I sue the lip balm people if my lips don't end up soft after using the entire product? I mean it is called 'softlips' after all.
I'm bored. I might go to bed and read now. I am STILL reading that VC Andrews book.
Dentyne-isms from a pack of gum:
#90 Just when you thought all hope was lost, along came the Macarena.
#159 Open your eyes when you kiss - if you get caught, what can they say?
HEY! Dentyne has less than 1 carb. And I gave all my gum to Alex when he came over cuz I thought I couldn't have it. *sigh* Wonder if the carbs are the same if you eat the gum? (I can't chew gum.)
Alex was cool when we went to the game. I had a couple of CDs in the car that I had burned, and I swear he knew whatever I came on. The kid was all:
That's Supertramp!
Marilyn Manson!
Alan Jackson!
Seriously, this kid knows everything. He even liked Squirrel Nut Zippers. ( I cannot get 'Afterlife' out of my head. It's killing me.) And he was cool during the game, too, cuz he knew only a tiny bit more than I do, so I was all, "Hey, Al, WHY do the keep doing that? Now why are they blowing the whistle? WHAT?" Plus it was cute cuz he hadn't been to American Airlines Center before. And, before I even mentioned it, he commented on the advertising in the stadium! I am always blown away by that. Multiple logos on every. single. thing. The Spr1nt/N3xtel Zamboni! Ugh. Give me a frackin' break. The munchkin even complained about the oil companies. Of course, I was kind enough to remind him that he is betraying his friend Dubya with such comments. :)
Do I really have this much to say about my brother? Gads. I need to go read my cognitive psych book or something.
My aunt says there are no brown cats. Is this true? (Not necessarily rhetorical.)
Talked to Rachel today for the first time in FOREVER. I usually talk to her interpreter, Suzy. It was weird cuz Suzy had already told each of us everything we had to say to each other. I did learn that Rach actually IS interested in roller skating. (She had a family emergency today....grandmother in the hospital.) Oh, and her surgery went fine. She was griping today because she hasn't lost any weight this week and eating is no fun. She's down 20 lbs, though.
Found a bunch of old friends on MySpace. How cool is that? Pretty groovy.
Mom loves the Joss Stone CD I burned for her. Okay, that was random.
I leave for NH on Thursday and will come back Monday afternoon before school. I'm gonna go gamble and karaoke. Woo! Gonna see my Ruby and her Jess.
I'm gonna lay on the couch tomorrow. Well, I will probably organize my coupons as well...They're in a real state of disarray. I had to pay full price for my plug-in refills the other day. Disgraceful. Oh, and the store I shopped at had some annoying tagline like "eat well, pay less". I'm like, "What, pay less than at Tom Thumb? Is this really something you want to brag about?" Don't even get me started on grocery stores. I will have you know I paid 2 cents MORE per package for that yummy lunchmeat that comes in the little package and is all processed and sliced super-thin. Insane! Lemme tell ya, that is 10 cents I'll never get back. Diet Coke $1.39. WTF? Yet I paid it, because I have a substance abuse problem with the cola. On the plus side, the roasted chicken was superb. I got two chicken boobies for less than a buck fifty. Not bad. The deviled eggs were crap. I would venture to say they didn't put vinegar in them. Grody. I got me some vinegar and added it myself. Deviled eggs aren't deviled without vinegar!! Geez. What exactly is 'deviled' anyway? Doesn't that mean soaked in vinegar or something? Wait. I have never heard of a deviled douche, nor have I had deviled chips. Man, I love salt and vinegar chips. *thinking* You know what is simply orgasmic? A sandwich with bread, meat, and mustard with salt and vinegar chips stuffed inside. Mmm. I think my eyes just rolled back in my head. When I was a kid we used to slice cucumbers and put them in a jar and fill the jar up to the top with vinegar and water. Soak in the refrigerator for a couple of days, and there's a little slice of heaven in your fridge. Lots of slices, actually. OMG, that sounds good. I like vinegar. I get wordy when I'm tired. But you haven't figured that out. Anyway, I think I might have been talking about grocery shopping up there. I am one of those freaks that knows what almost everything costs. At my usual grocery store. Although I CAN tell you my shredded cheese was $1.77. This I know. I should totally go on The Price is Right. Hey, do they have a Price is Right game or something? Maybe this is something I could actually win at. Hmm. Doubtful. I used to be kind of good at Risk, but I suspect my competitor sucked mightily. The first time I ever played Backgammon I won. Michele had been playing for years and was teaching me. I think she was irritated, but she couldn't say anything because we had just started 'hanging out'. heh hehheh I always wanted to play Supermarket Sweep. Those people that went for toilet paper killed me. DIAPERS! Formula! Steak! Come on, now, folks. DUH. Or at the store I went to, you can just stock up on diet cola since it was friggin' a buck thirty-nine. Fockers. Of course, the reason why I even went to that big red store is because they have the awesome pill bottles and I needed to pick up my prescriptions. I've been obsessed with these pill bottles. It's about time someone got innovative with the pill bottles. It was too soon to pick up the anti-crazy drugs, so I gotta go back tomorrow and pick those up. I am a little frightened of the bill. That crap is $300-$400 a bottle, and it appears as though my prescription plan has changed. They're screwing with my Ambien, ya'll. There will be bloodshed. Actually, I didn't bat an eye. The little pharmacy dude asked, "Do you still want it?" Ha! HaHA! Dude, ring it up, already. Time's a wastin'! I don't care what they charge for that crap. Hmm. Maybe I should have taken one tonight, eh? LOL I amuse myself yet again. The lamp in my office is ugly. I don't mean like it doesn't match. I mean my-ex-roommate-Lisa-bought-it-from-a-thrift-store-ugly. UM. I left Michele the lamp I bought at Dollar General ($5! Woo!) and took this POS? *scratches head* Whatevah. Sanity intact.
Wow. Am I out of digressions? Could it be?
No, not it's not.
Folks, I am 100% sober. Scary.
Back to the grocery store. LOL
My grocery cart mortifies me. Gross. I cart around a basket full of heart attack. Nasty. Pepperoni, hot dogs, sausage, lunch meat, steak, pork, sliced cheese, shredded cheese, cheddar block cheese, block pepperjack cheese.... Nasty. Not that I really mean to complain. I just imagine the cashier is like, Good God. This chick is gonna die while I'm ringing her up! Cuz I know the cashier is thinking about me and not the fact that she is working her second job to take care of her three kids since she is a single parent and her husband left her with the kids because he made it with his secretary or some shit. Of course, she gets NO child support. Asshole. And then.... by the checkout. Starbucks. Okay, at this point Dawn is HUNGRY. And Dawn ain't hungry for no meat or cheese. Hella no. But I was good. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Nothingtastesasgoodasthinfeelsnothingtastesasgoodasthinfeels. I have 546 DVDs in the living room I want to watch, but I'm unable to remove myself from the chair. I'm once again out of my caffeine-free cola....I can't have caffeine after about 7pm at night or I don't sleep. I have issues. I switched over late tonight since I didn't realize the time. I looked down and was shocked to see it was after 10. Isn't that like bedtime or something? My feet are cold. My dad gave me the cutest 'work shoes' for Christmas. They are giant ducks and when you squeeze one of the wings it quacks. Sometimes I accidentally squish it and it quacks and scares the bejeezus out of me. And then I laugh. And then I go back to whatever I was doing, because let's face it, that really isn't all that entertaining.
Do people really still pay bills with checks?? I pay my rent that way, but if they took any other form of payment, I'd go that route. Checks are SO old school. I can't remember the last time I mailed a check off. Archaic. I'm puzzled by people who don't have direct deposit. There is this one guy that calls me every payday because he never gets his check on time. (Not his fault.) Yet he refuses to get direct deposit. WHY? WHY? I hate the bank. Hate it. And for cryin' out loud, who uses a teller unless the situation is completely desperate? Who needs people when we have machines? Oh, I know! Let's talk about the changing role of labor and how it's cheaper in other countries, so we give away our jobs. Yes, let's! When I'm president, things will be different. I didn't say better, just different. First of all, Ambien will be free. And I'm sorry, but if alcohol is legal, pot should be too. It's much less addictive. Just makes you fat and happy. Who ever heard of mean high? Yeah? Notsomuch. Mean drunk? Yes, we've heard of that. And it's a herb, for crying out loud...you can grow it in the backyard. Not like LSD or XTC where you gotta manufacture something or whatever they do. Marijuana grows out of the ground like any other weed, SUCH AS TOBACCO. This conversation is going nowhere good fast, isn't it?
In summation, when I am president, cola will be less than $1 for a 2-liter, deviled eggs will be made with vinegar, pot will be legal, and direct deposit will be mandatory. Oh, and Starbucks won't have carbs. Any questions?
I almost hate myself for saying this (but not quite - heh), but moving out of the house is one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I could have stayed and been the dutiful wife and been fantastically unhappy, but instead we have me not wanting to go to bed because things are fun and interesting. (This is SO going to catch up to me.) I have a peace about me.
I know I keep talking about it, and I'm sure I have beat you down with my happiness by now, but gosh, I am so liberated by my choice to be happy.
I had something else...man, what was it? Something random and uninteresting.
Oh! I have a new phone. This one actually accepts and sends text messages. Haha. Whew. Back with the times. I kinda want to call someone.
I bought new 'chapstick'. Is this interesting? What if I tell you it is French Vanilla? What is the big difference between regular vanilla and French vanilla, anyway? I know French vanilla ice cream has pieces of bean in it. Which, by the way, the sister-aunt Laura, told me were fleas. I can't look at French vanilla ice cream to this day without thinking "Vanilla ice cream with fleas in it." I still like it, though.
Oops. I meant to do my 401K tonight. My bad. :( Fun! (Really.) When I called to make changes to my auto insurance the lady started yacking in my ear about portable life insurance, which is on my list of things to do this year.... There are like a trillion options! I told her I'd have to call her back after I read that section of "Personal Finance for Dummies". Why am I blogging this? Were you just sitting there wondering about my life insurance policy? I'm doubting it.
Can I sue the lip balm people if my lips don't end up soft after using the entire product? I mean it is called 'softlips' after all.
I'm bored. I might go to bed and read now. I am STILL reading that VC Andrews book.
Dentyne-isms from a pack of gum:
#90 Just when you thought all hope was lost, along came the Macarena.
#159 Open your eyes when you kiss - if you get caught, what can they say?
HEY! Dentyne has less than 1 carb. And I gave all my gum to Alex when he came over cuz I thought I couldn't have it. *sigh* Wonder if the carbs are the same if you eat the gum? (I can't chew gum.)
Alex was cool when we went to the game. I had a couple of CDs in the car that I had burned, and I swear he knew whatever I came on. The kid was all:
That's Supertramp!
Marilyn Manson!
Alan Jackson!
Seriously, this kid knows everything. He even liked Squirrel Nut Zippers. ( I cannot get 'Afterlife' out of my head. It's killing me.) And he was cool during the game, too, cuz he knew only a tiny bit more than I do, so I was all, "Hey, Al, WHY do the keep doing that? Now why are they blowing the whistle? WHAT?" Plus it was cute cuz he hadn't been to American Airlines Center before. And, before I even mentioned it, he commented on the advertising in the stadium! I am always blown away by that. Multiple logos on every. single. thing. The Spr1nt/N3xtel Zamboni! Ugh. Give me a frackin' break. The munchkin even complained about the oil companies. Of course, I was kind enough to remind him that he is betraying his friend Dubya with such comments. :)
Do I really have this much to say about my brother? Gads. I need to go read my cognitive psych book or something.
My aunt says there are no brown cats. Is this true? (Not necessarily rhetorical.)
Talked to Rachel today for the first time in FOREVER. I usually talk to her interpreter, Suzy. It was weird cuz Suzy had already told each of us everything we had to say to each other. I did learn that Rach actually IS interested in roller skating. (She had a family emergency today....grandmother in the hospital.) Oh, and her surgery went fine. She was griping today because she hasn't lost any weight this week and eating is no fun. She's down 20 lbs, though.
Found a bunch of old friends on MySpace. How cool is that? Pretty groovy.
Mom loves the Joss Stone CD I burned for her. Okay, that was random.
I leave for NH on Thursday and will come back Monday afternoon before school. I'm gonna go gamble and karaoke. Woo! Gonna see my Ruby and her Jess.
I'm gonna lay on the couch tomorrow. Well, I will probably organize my coupons as well...They're in a real state of disarray. I had to pay full price for my plug-in refills the other day. Disgraceful. Oh, and the store I shopped at had some annoying tagline like "eat well, pay less". I'm like, "What, pay less than at Tom Thumb? Is this really something you want to brag about?" Don't even get me started on grocery stores. I will have you know I paid 2 cents MORE per package for that yummy lunchmeat that comes in the little package and is all processed and sliced super-thin. Insane! Lemme tell ya, that is 10 cents I'll never get back. Diet Coke $1.39. WTF? Yet I paid it, because I have a substance abuse problem with the cola. On the plus side, the roasted chicken was superb. I got two chicken boobies for less than a buck fifty. Not bad. The deviled eggs were crap. I would venture to say they didn't put vinegar in them. Grody. I got me some vinegar and added it myself. Deviled eggs aren't deviled without vinegar!! Geez. What exactly is 'deviled' anyway? Doesn't that mean soaked in vinegar or something? Wait. I have never heard of a deviled douche, nor have I had deviled chips. Man, I love salt and vinegar chips. *thinking* You know what is simply orgasmic? A sandwich with bread, meat, and mustard with salt and vinegar chips stuffed inside. Mmm. I think my eyes just rolled back in my head. When I was a kid we used to slice cucumbers and put them in a jar and fill the jar up to the top with vinegar and water. Soak in the refrigerator for a couple of days, and there's a little slice of heaven in your fridge. Lots of slices, actually. OMG, that sounds good. I like vinegar. I get wordy when I'm tired. But you haven't figured that out. Anyway, I think I might have been talking about grocery shopping up there. I am one of those freaks that knows what almost everything costs. At my usual grocery store. Although I CAN tell you my shredded cheese was $1.77. This I know. I should totally go on The Price is Right. Hey, do they have a Price is Right game or something? Maybe this is something I could actually win at. Hmm. Doubtful. I used to be kind of good at Risk, but I suspect my competitor sucked mightily. The first time I ever played Backgammon I won. Michele had been playing for years and was teaching me. I think she was irritated, but she couldn't say anything because we had just started 'hanging out'. heh hehheh I always wanted to play Supermarket Sweep. Those people that went for toilet paper killed me. DIAPERS! Formula! Steak! Come on, now, folks. DUH. Or at the store I went to, you can just stock up on diet cola since it was friggin' a buck thirty-nine. Fockers. Of course, the reason why I even went to that big red store is because they have the awesome pill bottles and I needed to pick up my prescriptions. I've been obsessed with these pill bottles. It's about time someone got innovative with the pill bottles. It was too soon to pick up the anti-crazy drugs, so I gotta go back tomorrow and pick those up. I am a little frightened of the bill. That crap is $300-$400 a bottle, and it appears as though my prescription plan has changed. They're screwing with my Ambien, ya'll. There will be bloodshed. Actually, I didn't bat an eye. The little pharmacy dude asked, "Do you still want it?" Ha! HaHA! Dude, ring it up, already. Time's a wastin'! I don't care what they charge for that crap. Hmm. Maybe I should have taken one tonight, eh? LOL I amuse myself yet again. The lamp in my office is ugly. I don't mean like it doesn't match. I mean my-ex-roommate-Lisa-bought-it-from-a-thrift-store-ugly. UM. I left Michele the lamp I bought at Dollar General ($5! Woo!) and took this POS? *scratches head* Whatevah. Sanity intact.
Wow. Am I out of digressions? Could it be?
No, not it's not.
Folks, I am 100% sober. Scary.
Back to the grocery store. LOL
My grocery cart mortifies me. Gross. I cart around a basket full of heart attack. Nasty. Pepperoni, hot dogs, sausage, lunch meat, steak, pork, sliced cheese, shredded cheese, cheddar block cheese, block pepperjack cheese.... Nasty. Not that I really mean to complain. I just imagine the cashier is like, Good God. This chick is gonna die while I'm ringing her up! Cuz I know the cashier is thinking about me and not the fact that she is working her second job to take care of her three kids since she is a single parent and her husband left her with the kids because he made it with his secretary or some shit. Of course, she gets NO child support. Asshole. And then.... by the checkout. Starbucks. Okay, at this point Dawn is HUNGRY. And Dawn ain't hungry for no meat or cheese. Hella no. But I was good. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Nothingtastesasgoodasthinfeelsnothingtastesasgoodasthinfeels. I have 546 DVDs in the living room I want to watch, but I'm unable to remove myself from the chair. I'm once again out of my caffeine-free cola....I can't have caffeine after about 7pm at night or I don't sleep. I have issues. I switched over late tonight since I didn't realize the time. I looked down and was shocked to see it was after 10. Isn't that like bedtime or something? My feet are cold. My dad gave me the cutest 'work shoes' for Christmas. They are giant ducks and when you squeeze one of the wings it quacks. Sometimes I accidentally squish it and it quacks and scares the bejeezus out of me. And then I laugh. And then I go back to whatever I was doing, because let's face it, that really isn't all that entertaining.
Do people really still pay bills with checks?? I pay my rent that way, but if they took any other form of payment, I'd go that route. Checks are SO old school. I can't remember the last time I mailed a check off. Archaic. I'm puzzled by people who don't have direct deposit. There is this one guy that calls me every payday because he never gets his check on time. (Not his fault.) Yet he refuses to get direct deposit. WHY? WHY? I hate the bank. Hate it. And for cryin' out loud, who uses a teller unless the situation is completely desperate? Who needs people when we have machines? Oh, I know! Let's talk about the changing role of labor and how it's cheaper in other countries, so we give away our jobs. Yes, let's! When I'm president, things will be different. I didn't say better, just different. First of all, Ambien will be free. And I'm sorry, but if alcohol is legal, pot should be too. It's much less addictive. Just makes you fat and happy. Who ever heard of mean high? Yeah? Notsomuch. Mean drunk? Yes, we've heard of that. And it's a herb, for crying out loud...you can grow it in the backyard. Not like LSD or XTC where you gotta manufacture something or whatever they do. Marijuana grows out of the ground like any other weed, SUCH AS TOBACCO. This conversation is going nowhere good fast, isn't it?
In summation, when I am president, cola will be less than $1 for a 2-liter, deviled eggs will be made with vinegar, pot will be legal, and direct deposit will be mandatory. Oh, and Starbucks won't have carbs. Any questions?
Dawn, 12:59 AM
I am totally suing the lip balm people if my lips end up crunchy. If the coffee lady can win, I can too!
Did you know that certain lip products that begin with the letter C and end with the letter X are actually quite BAD for your lips? It's true! It's all true! :D
Did you know that certain lip products that begin with the letter C and end with the letter X are actually quite BAD for your lips? It's true! It's all true! :D