Dawn's Digression.
Monday, February 06, 2006
I need a haircut. Since I started wearing it down it has become more knappy. I have knappy-head.
I went roller skating again this weekend. How fun. I wish I would go every weekend. I think it's really good for the soul. Good for the body, too. When I stood up to go in the kitchen a few minutes ago, my left thigh really hurt. I limped. haha

Do you see this picture? This is Jackie, Rachel and Suzy's new puppy. I call him JackJack. I get to babysit this weekend! Yay! I do not think I will be returning JackJack. I've been a bad friend and haven't met JackJack, yet. I saw his picture for the first time today and shed a couple of tears. He looks just like my baby girl. JackJack and I are gonna have the best time. We're gonna go to the park and to PetSmart. I'm going to feed him stuff he's not supposed to eat. I'm gonna teach him to sit. Or attempt to. And when Suzy comes to pick him up, I'm going to hide him in my closet and tell her he ran away. I already love hims. I will put him in my purse and we will go everywhere together. For two days, anyway. Mine. JackJack MINE.
Had a kick ass time at Tonya's SuperBowl party last night. I even managed to watch a good 15 minutes of the game. I most likely spent most of the party making a giant ass out of myself as I usually do when I'm inebriated. Unfortunately, I think most of the people at the party have only seen me when I'm drunk. They still talk to me, so I must not be tooooo horrid. haha At least the liquid courage makes me friendly.
Did I ever mention how friggin' cool the Gretchen Wilson concert was? I don't think I did. First of all, Gretchen is smokin'. Second of all, she has a great voice. Kinda hard to tell sometimes with the type of music she sings, but she did a couple of really good covers. It was fabu.
I've been having a bucketload of fun lately. Bucketload. That is a lot, ya'll. ;) I have everything I need and more. I have come to the conclusion that I am the luckiest person to ever live. Still paranoid I'm manic, but oh well. Lucky am I. *sigh* *looks off into space* I don't know if I've ever felt this kind of happy. Not for more than a couple of days, anyway. I'm so calm. Peaceful. Every single night I take a peek at the stars. It's become a new thing for me. I find the Little Dipper and then continue whatever I'm doing. I really hope to learn constellations some day.
Okay, so the song I've been listening to way too much is Everything I Need. I want to learn to sign it. Mostly because it will be easy. haha I've got the chorus, at least. Hmm. I am seeing now this really isn't something to be all that proud of. Oh well. It makes me happy, and that is good enough.
Cause everything I need
Is right here in my hands
Right here in my hands
Right here in my hands
Let's see. I said I'd learn 5 words a week. I'm gonna tally up tonight in class and see how I'm doing. I caught myself signing at someone in the bar Saturday night. haha Just a word. I think I did it again yesterday, but I may have dreamed it.
Speaking of the bar.... I think I'm being converted to bar trash. ;) I went out last weekend. Then Thursday night was Chick's Happy Hour and I went out again this Saturday. Oy. That's weird, hunh? I like standing around and watching people. People are hilarious.
Off I go. I must shower.