Dawn's Digression.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Hi Mikey!

Maybe another new reader. Maybe. Mikey. A guy reader! Woo!
Mikey is the bomb, diggity. I'm not sure I knew it when he lived here, but he is my kindred. I remember when Swamp Ophelia came out his favorite song was The Wood Song. :) That's a random factoid, isn't it? heh
Anyhoo, if you're reading, I'm stoked. I love you man, I really love you.
For real, though!
I had a good night. I went roller skating with my new old friend Gayle. Tracy went too and hung out in the snack bar. I maintain that she is humbled by my s.kills. Much bonding, disclosure and laughter ensued. Oh, my, how I love disclosure and bonding. Gayle and I sat on the couch and talked for quite awhile after dinner. It was nice. Why I need so much meaningful conversation is a mystery since my family isn't like that at all.
Dawn, 12:10 AM