Dawn's Digression.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Morning Birds Are Singing

Birds make me happy. I like it when I wake up in the morning and hear the birdies outside. I always find it strange to hear them in the middle of the night. Like maybe there is this one little bird who just can't get it right. Poor little fella is out there trying to play with other birdies in the middle of the night when they're all sleeping. What kind of bird is up in the night, anyway?

Besides an owl, smart ass.

Uh oh. Now I have an IG song stuck in my head. Haven't heard it in forever. Shocking I should have one of their songs in my head, isn't it? As usual, I'm sure my interpretation of the song is incorrect, but I don't really care as long as it speaks to me.

at the dawning of some road worn day
I call you on a whim just to say
the morning birds are singing
but I could not do them justice
so I hung up and I fell back to sleep

I thought I was going to try and describe what I think when I hear this, but I'm not seeing the point since my articulation is for the birds. (Hahahaha! I made a funny. Get it? 'For the birds'? Alright, I'm not that funny. Bite me.) Okay. One sentence. The simple things of life that you can't share with someone across a phone line such as the sound of birdies.

Tonight is ass-to-couch again. Ya know, I was reading through some of the recent blog entries. I've been ass-to-couch for like a month and somehow it still isn't enough. Argh. Last night was good, though. I had ass-to-bed at 6 and watched TV all night. Until after midnight. Ahhhh. Sadly, I wanted to sleep in this morning even after all that.

Ruby is coming in town in a little over a week, so I'm taking a couple of days off to hang with her. Should be a very busy weekend. :)

I just figured out why I am so sleepy this morning. No caffeine. That'll do it every time. I'd really like to go take a nap, but my sheets are in the washer and I only have one set. :( *yawn*

Peanut barfs too much. I woke up twice during the night/morning to the sound of her hacking up stuff. Gross. Oy with the barfing, already.

I think I'm going to go watch Big Love, now since it is lunch time. A co-worker told me I reminded her of someone on the show, so I just had to get HBO so I could see what she was talking about. I'm not sure it was a compliment, but I am really enjoying the character's blog. When did they start doing that kind of thing, anyway? Fictional people now have blogs? Whatever.
Dawn, 10:15 AM


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