Dawn's Digression.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Two Posts In One Day!
Somebody (not me) pooped on the carpet today. This is extremely bizarre behavior. I've had both of these cats for more than 5 years and have never ever had it happen. I hope my boy is okay. I gave him his drugs again a little bit ago. Poor kitty. Hims butt is bothering him. Peanut, on the other hand, has been quite active over the last 24 hours. She's running around, talking, getting into stuff....Crazy cat.
Wow. I'm wicked tired tonight. Interesting since I took a power nap this afternoon and actually got quite a bit of sleep last night even though I was up for awhile. So. Tired. Could be because of work. I have been SO busy. It feels really good to get things accomplished, though. I'm all proud and stuff. haha Today was the best work day I've had in a really long time. I tell you what, though, I could live without meetings. Ugh.
My tickets to Phantom are for this Sunday night. I think I have really good seats. If I recall correctly, anyway. I invited my friend Jennifer to go a while back, but I'm thinking she may bail. I'm hoping she lets me know tomorrow so I can find another date if I need to.
I wonder what would happen sometimes if I didn't initiate hanging out with some of my friends. Friends are work. I've always known this, and I don't have an issue with it. I think I might be getting ready to go through another one of those change in friends things I did 5 years or so ago. That sucked. It will all be fine, though.
Shit. Now Boobies is throwing up. WTF.
Even though I've obviously been in a funk for a week or longer, I'm feeling optimistic. My life is good and I love the direction I see it going. For the most part, I am doing the right things. I misstep here and there, but it's okay. The world doesn't end if my GPA blows. In the real world, no one gives a damn what your GPA is. I am happier now than I have been in longer than I can remember. I have my moments of hopelessness, but it is nothing like what I know and I just wait for it to pass. I don't even keep enough drugs on hand so I could overdose if I want to. The past few years I've horded my drugs so I would have them in case of 'emergency'. So, yeah. I'm doing good. :) I'm going to have phases like I have this week, and I'm going to 'let' myself have them. As long as I don't quit any jobs, drop out of school, jack up relationships, etc, it's all good. Every now and then I just need to reboot.
Wow. I'm wicked tired tonight. Interesting since I took a power nap this afternoon and actually got quite a bit of sleep last night even though I was up for awhile. So. Tired. Could be because of work. I have been SO busy. It feels really good to get things accomplished, though. I'm all proud and stuff. haha Today was the best work day I've had in a really long time. I tell you what, though, I could live without meetings. Ugh.
My tickets to Phantom are for this Sunday night. I think I have really good seats. If I recall correctly, anyway. I invited my friend Jennifer to go a while back, but I'm thinking she may bail. I'm hoping she lets me know tomorrow so I can find another date if I need to.
I wonder what would happen sometimes if I didn't initiate hanging out with some of my friends. Friends are work. I've always known this, and I don't have an issue with it. I think I might be getting ready to go through another one of those change in friends things I did 5 years or so ago. That sucked. It will all be fine, though.
Shit. Now Boobies is throwing up. WTF.
Even though I've obviously been in a funk for a week or longer, I'm feeling optimistic. My life is good and I love the direction I see it going. For the most part, I am doing the right things. I misstep here and there, but it's okay. The world doesn't end if my GPA blows. In the real world, no one gives a damn what your GPA is. I am happier now than I have been in longer than I can remember. I have my moments of hopelessness, but it is nothing like what I know and I just wait for it to pass. I don't even keep enough drugs on hand so I could overdose if I want to. The past few years I've horded my drugs so I would have them in case of 'emergency'. So, yeah. I'm doing good. :) I'm going to have phases like I have this week, and I'm going to 'let' myself have them. As long as I don't quit any jobs, drop out of school, jack up relationships, etc, it's all good. Every now and then I just need to reboot.
Dawn, 9:08 PM