Dawn's Digression.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Damn Stars

Those damn Stars lost tonight and are out of the playoffs. There went the end of what little there was of any sportiness I might have pretended to have. :)

Ruby was in town this weekend, so I took off Thursday and Friday to spend with her. Thursday we ran around town and shopped. Friday we went to the movies and saw a couple of movies that sucked. Friends With Money and American Dreamz. Um, yeah. Thursday night was dinner with Rach, Suzy, Tonya, Alma, Ruby and Jessica. Friday night was poker night with the above plus Tracy. Saturday night we went to Bennigan's for appetizers and dessert-- we being Rach, Sue, Tracy, Ruby and Jessica. I didn't talk to Rube at all today and she is leaving first thing Tuesday morning. I need to see if I can catch her real quick tomorrow night after my final.

I slept all day Saturday. And I mean all day. I woke up at 1:45pm. I stayed up for a few hours watching Alias and fell back asleep after 5. I woke up at 8:30 when Rach IM'd me asking about our plans. Thank goodness she IM'd me, or I would have been sleeping when I was supposed to be at dinner. Tracy and I didn't sleep terribly late today. I want to say 8:30 or 9, however, I did take a nap during the Stars game. I'd like to be sleeping now as well, but I'm taking a break from my last minute cramming for tomorrow. Tomorrow ought to be a pretty nasty day at work. I am coming back after a long weekend, I have a couple of meetings, I have to be on campus at 12:30 and then I have to back at school for my final by 7. Ew. At least Tuesday is a big nothing. And Wed. And Thurs. And Fri. Yay! I get two WHOLE weeks off before summer school! YES! Summer school is only 1 day a week, so I'm going to try not to complain too much.


I tell you what. As much fun as I had this weekend, I won't miss the ribbing too much. Rachel and Ruby have a tendency to want to mortify me when together. Swear. Kills me. Friday night I experienced a little too much socialization and had to take xanax. I thought I was going to lose my temper and yell at somebody. It would have been totally undeserved. Bad Dawn. I was kind of cranky for awhile, but making a complete ass of myself was narrowly averted.

Alright, I gotta get back to the book for another 30 mins or so before passing out for the night. Hasta.
Dawn, 10:50 PM


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