Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Whoa, I Match!

I just realized my underwear matches my bra today. What a strange occurrence! I feel like I should have on matching jewelry or something.

One class down, one to go! YES! Hallelujah, Amen, Brothers and Sisters! Good gravy, it's been a hell of a beating this semester. And I'm just smart enough to go ahead and take a summer class. I totally don't want to, but I saw my reasons for not going as what they are...excuses. Debbie Ford would not approve. So, instead of making a choice that keeps me in the past, I make a choice that will propel me towards the future. Hahaha. Swear, sounds like I've entered into a cult.

After school last night, I stopped by World Market to get myself a bottle of wine. Thought I'd be fancy and get myself something different. A French Rose'. Um. This is why I don't try new things. New things suck. Too heavy. ew. At least I know now. I've been in a little bit of a mood to try new wines, but don't really have anyone to do it with. Wait. That sounds pathetic. I don't have anyone readily available and at my beck and call. There. That's better. And more truthful.

Getting ready to go meet Championship Bowler at Happy Hour.
Dawn, 3:10 PM


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