Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Vile, Vile, VILE

OMG, I am in a vile mood. VILE, I say. I am in such a bad mood that I am going to the gym at my apartment complex when I get off this damn conference call to burn some steam. I can't take it!!! "Take what?" you ask? Hell, I don't know. I just know whatever it is, I can't take it.
Alright, I know some of it. First of all, I had to restart my computer no less than 6 times this morning to get my work email to work. Somehow, I managed to get 30 new emails over night. They are still sitting there since I didn't get my computer working until damn near 11am.

I don't feel like I'm controlling things in my life and I'm all worked up about it today. ALL worked up. (Obviously.) I'm annoyed that I am choosing to feel this way instead of feeling blissfully happy for all the cool stuff going on. My attitude blows. *sigh*

I have other stuff to share that is somewhat more uplifting, but I just can't get there right now. Maybe I'll try again after the 'gym'. Or maybe I'll get some of these emails taken care of. Who knows. Not I.
Dawn, 11:10 AM


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