Dawn's Digression.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Frankie Foo Foo

I bought a bazillion toys for Puppy today. Wally World had a bunch on clearance for fifty cents. I think some of these I will send home with Tracy for our new puppy that lives with her. OR maybe I will keep them all for Sir Franklin Edermeyer the First of Grapevine. Sir Franklin jumped off the couch today and hurt himself. I freaked. He wouldn't put any pressure on his front paw. He's all better now, but I was mortified for a few minutes.

I'm gonna turn in early tonight. My brain just isn't right, so I'm going to read some Debbie Ford. I don't know what it is going to take to get me back on track.

Man, this little dog has the sharpest teeth ever. And he whines like a girl. Such a baby.
Dawn, 8:14 PM


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