Dawn's Digression.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Don't Be Someone's Option, Dammit.

Found a quote I like tonight:
“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”

My self-esteem has been pretty sucky lately. Notsogood. There are a couple of things that are going well in my brain, though. One of them is that I now believe I deserve only the best. And I don't deserve to be a runner-up. Another is that I'm working on 'receiving". As we know, I don't like to accept help or money or any of that. I give up. An audio book I was listening to said it insults others when you don't take what they offer. Well, I certainly don't want to insult folks, do I? Of course not! SO~ Last week, I let Suzy buy me dinner, Melody kept my new puppy while I was out of town, and... seems like there was something else.

And yes, I just said 'my new puppy'. !!

Poor little guy hasn't really been named, yet. Tracy took to calling him Pepe after she picked him up from Melody's and I called him that when she brought him home. I am thinking I may stick with my initial name for him "Sir Franklin Edermeyer the First of Grapevine". Ha. He is 9 weeks old, and he is two pounds. He doesn't even register on my scale. Wicked cute.

I love hims and he's a good boy. He's already learning 'sit' and 'down'. I also think he is doing pretty good with the potty training. I'd like to talk more about him, but I am exhausted tonight. I just really liked that quote and wanted to cut and paste before I forgot.
Dawn, 10:07 PM


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