Dawn's Digression.

Monday, June 26, 2006


I just smashed the holy hell out of my hand, and now I have a headache. Could this be pressure points in reverse. Is this possible? I am having pretty bad chest pains right now, too. Not sure what that is about. Probably about heartburn. Which is totally odd, too, cuz all I've had is hot dogs today. Plain ones. Odd.

My hand hurts. And my head now, too.

Other than that, I feel pretty frickin' fantastic today. Tracy and I had the best weekend we've had in awhile (at least it was for me). I threw my parents a surprise 25th Anniversary dinner on Saturday night, and they were actually surprised! Woo hoo! My lying skills worked in my favor. ;) Work is busy, but good today. I feel good about not dropping my Psych class I wanted to drop last week. I will have a hard time passing, but I feel good about not giving up, yet. I asked myself some Debbie Ford questions and got back on track. That was a close call, though.

My downstairs neighbors are up to no good. They are very noisy today. I've been lucky while I'm here, though. For the most part, this has been a nice apartment complex and I haven't had any problems.

I shall get back to work now. :)
Dawn, 11:34 AM


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