Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

And....I'm Back!

Or I think I might be.

It appears as though the protocol when beginning IVF is to blog. That is probably because people get sick of hearing you talk about it. I did decide that most of my friends probably don't want to hear about all this. Those that do, can come here and read or ask me questions. I already feel like I talk to much about it.

Fact is, this is going to be my life until I pee on a stick. Well, you know, my life besides Jack. He most definitely comes first.

Tonight I start my birth control pills. I'm not sure, yet, if I will be on them for 2 weeks or 4 weeks. I am actually very excited because taking the pills means this is really happening. I have already worn myself out thinking about all the shots I'm going to have to give myself. Right now, I choose not to think about it. One thing at a time. Tonight, I just swallow a pill. Easy enough. Next week, I go in for a hysteroscopy. I've already had multiple IUIs, a HSG and a mock transfer. I'm really not concerned about that. It's amazing how quickly you get over people messing around in there. :)
Dawn, 9:18 PM | link | 0 comments |

Friday, May 01, 2009

Been Awhile.

So. Hi!

I got pregnant in April. If you're reading this, you already know my beautiful baby boy, John Alexander. He was named after our brothers. I hope I pick up blogging again. I could use the outlet, but this is it for now. He's beautiful and being a mother is harder than I ever could have known.

I'd do it again.
Dawn, 9:18 PM | link | 0 comments |