Dawn's Digression.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Good Day

I had a great night! Talk about productive! It was crazy. I went through all my clothes and threw out stuff I didn't need. I didn't throw out half as much as I wanted to, but I did it! I finished organizing my music and put all my books in one place.
Yesterday, I organized my office a little. I shredded a couple of years worth of bank statements or organized random bits of paper I had all over the place. Mementos actually went into the memento box. Greeting cards went in the greeting card shoebox. I separated music and computer CDs and separated my books into fiction, non-fiction and self-help. I packed biographies with fiction. Because they fit there. Plus, I'm a rebel.
I went through years and years of photos. I drug through every drawer in this apartment...Every hanging file folder to find my photos.... I finally have every photo I own in one of two boxes or one of my many albums.
It feels like a million bucks to have a cleaner place. I even cleared off the bookcase next to my bed that has been bugging the crap out of me since I put it there. I originally put it there for my stereo so I could play a little mood music when my woman came over. *waggles eyebrows* Ahhh.....Memories. ha.
I might have gone a little nuts with the vacuum cleaner tonight. I vacuumed the window sill. The TV. The lamp shade. I wanted to vacuum Frank, but he just wasn't into it. I'd like to vacuum the cats. I hate their hair. They need to do something about that.
We had rain today and I was terribly inspired! Frank and I ran around and opened all the windows and moved the couch. Then I realized it was only 4:15 and I should be working. I did go back to work before I became involved in the organization marathon.
Speaking of organization...I think I learned an important lesson the other day. Don't ask Tracy if we need/want something. The answer will be yes. The trick, I think, is to just throw everything I own away before I get there. I think I'm getting there. ha.
So, get this. I talked to Michele today and it was a decent conversation! I've actually been missing her the last month or so and have wanted to call her, but the last few conversations with her were on the hard side, so I've been afraid to go there. It was nice to hear her talk. I can tell she is doing well, and this is sooo fabulous. I am hoping life for her is now the opposite of what it was.
So, I had a good day. This is a tad different from my recent days. I've been angry, ambivalent and moody. I haven't given a good damn about anything. I've felt very self-centered. I'm actually not sorry about that one. I am the only one who knows what I need and as we know I know.... I'm the only one that can give me that. I do this every now and then. I get fed up with people and I get all "F YOU!". *shrug* Ain't no thang. Everyone is used to it.

Dawn, 8:18 PM