Dawn's Digression.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


"Dammit! This grim parade of sorrow called life!"
Stephen Colbert just said this and for some reason it cracked me up. Yes, I am easily amused.

Tracy's surprise birthday party was Saturday. It was an awesome party. The pictures I took when she walked in the door did not come out well at all, so I'll post one when I get it from her dad. Seventy-nine people showed up. That's a bunch of people! I even had family representation. Mom, Dad, Laura and Jerry went and got to meet all of Tracy's family. As far asI can tell, it was a complete love fest. I am not surprised at all. We have fabulous families, so there you have it.

I've been meaning to blog for a long time. I open this dialogue box almost every day, but when it comes down to it, I don't end up typing anything. I'm counting the days until I move in with Tracy. I believe it is now 50 days or less. At least, I have to be out of this apartment in 50 days. Actually, I believe that is 7 weeks from today. Mom asked me a couple of weeks ago if moving in with Tracy is what I really want. I didn't even think about it. I didn't and don't need to. I have never been more sure of anything. It is amazing how well things fall into place when they are meant to be. Everything is easy.

Week one off Prozac! Not dead, yet! Haven't wanted to kill anyone! haha I have been scrubbing the shower/tub when I shower, though. heh

Frank is a gassy dog. Just thought I'd share.
Dawn, 10:41 PM


79 people? Wow! So where are the pics from the party?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:58 PM  

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