Dawn's Digression.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


I am in a crappy, crappy mood.

Honestly, I've been in a pretty good mood for the most part lately. I'm thrilled school is out for the semester. Very thrilled. I'm thrilled with the new car. Loving my kitties, my wife. But DUDE, I am in a PISSY mood tonight. I think I'm depressed because I dyed my hair brown. Have you ever heard anything so petty and stupid in your life? I have loved having red hair. Loved it. I just won't be able to afford the maintance anymore since I've had/am having 'life changes', whatever that means. You know, that fun time when you think about what is important and where your money should go. That kind of thing.

To give you an idea of what is bugging me, let me share a couple of pictures with you. This is me at work:

Different days, same attitude. I refuse to say anything else in this here blog because I've heard too many stories of people getting fired, and it isn't worth it to me.

I took a picture of my new brown hair, but you can't really tell it looks any different. I just know I feel more drab.

I know I've mentioned, and I hate to be repetitive, but I am SO not wanting to go to school this semester. YUCK. Ugh.

How many days until Colorado? Man, I can't wait! Mountains and fresh air. Woo-hoo!
Dawn, 9:30 PM


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