Dawn's Digression.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I'm Bored, So A Survey

  1. last car ride: On the way home from school
  2. last kiss: You know, I don't rightly know. That's sad.
  3. last good cry: I'm not sure on that one either. I know I cried a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not sure it was a 'good cry'.
  4. last library book checked out: I can't recall. I need to pay my fine
  5. last movie seen: I watched Spanglish last night.
  6. last book read: The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks
  7. last cuss word uttered: Uttered, not sure. Thought the F word when I saw my test
  8. last beverage drank: water
  9. last food consumed: This new dish I'm making with hamburger meat, zucchini, squash and diced tomatoes.
  10. last crush: Duh. Amy Ray
  11. last phone call: Michele
  12. last TV show watched: I'm watching House, right now. First time. Not too bad.
  13. last time showered: This morning..
  14. last shoes worn: My Sketchers
  15. last cd played: I heard a few seconds of Indigo today...last really listened to Lauren Griffin
  16. last item bought: pieces parts for the sprinkler system. That's another story of it's own.
  17. last downloaded: An Amy Ray song.
  18. last annoyance: Interactive workshops in my safety meeting today
  19. last disappointment: Beth gave her notice yesterday
  20. last soda drank: Diet Coke after lunch
  21. last thing written: Boring post about peanut butter cookies
  22. last key used: backspace
  23. last word spoken: "Bye"
  24. last sleep: last night
  25. last im: Melody last night
  26. last sexual fantasy: No way am I publicizing that mess!
  27. last weird encounter: Bizarre friend encounter
  28. last ice cream eaten: During a meeting last week.
  29. last time amused: I was probably amused during the whole repair of the sprinkler system thing.
  30. last time wanting to die: about 3 weeks ago, I think.
  31. last time hugged: Sunday
  32. last time scolded: I will guess Sunday
  33. last time resentful: today
  34. last chair sat in: hotel chair
  35. last lipstick used: Peach Fizz, Avon.
  36. last underwear worn: Gray, today
  37. last bra worn: nothing fancy
  38. last shirt worn: green short-sleeved sweater I've had for years and still love
  39. last time dancing: Spring Break. Man, what a night! Dancing by my-se-elf!
  40. last show attended: That lesbian play...I can't remember what it was called
  41. last webpage visited: Blogger.
Dawn, 8:01 PM


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