Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Rachel made me happy the other day.

I had called her and asked if she would burn Freedom (a CD) for me because somehow, some way, I managed to break mine in half between the parking lot and my office. A few days went by, I went to their place for dinner and Suzy burned the CD for me. Another few days went by and Rachel called. She said that she hadn't listened to that CD in a long time, but had been listening to it a bit since I brought it up. She was calling to check on me because we (she and I) think that it is a depressing CD and it was something I used to listen to when I was going through a thing. (When am I not 'going through a thing'?) Anyway, my point is this: How lucky am I? No, seriously, I'm going to be upbeat here. Who has a friend that can tell their mental status by what CD they are addicted to? Yeah, I challenge you. ;) I love my Rachel. Some things never change. And they shouldn't.
Dawn, 5:01 PM


What's funny is I think that is one of Ferrick's least depressing ones! I always saw the song Freedom as empowering and there are some nice, sweet songs on that CD also. Ah well, I guess any Ferrick is still depressing, even if she's at her most chipper.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:31 AM  
I can see what cha mean. But Then So It Is? Some Kind of Nerve? Even Freedom has a twang of sadness, because you know it creeps up on any given day. ;)

I suppose it really depends what mood you're in when you listen to it and what you WANT to hear. Perhaps.
Blogger Dawn, at 9:44 AM  

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