Dawn's Digression.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Blogs, ugh
I got home today at 6:45, and I've had no idea what to do with myself. I emptied the dishwasher, did the laundry, cleaned up cat vomit, cooked dinner....God. What do people that don't go to school do? I'm bored, and it's only 8. Maybe they watch TV or read books. I dunno.
Things are interesting. (Here is where I become self-indulgent.) Actually, I guess they aren't interesting in terms of things I might blog about. They're interesting in my head. Something has happened in the last six months that made me realize nobody gives a crap what goes on in my head, and you know, for the most part, in my life. That's okay. At any rate, I finally got a new car. FINALLY. It's a 2005 CRV. Exactly what I wanted. It just took me literally months to buy it. It's purdy. I call it the BrokeMobile. There's no real name, yet, and I refuse to call it BM. ;) The payments will suck and I'll be broke forever. But I love my car. So be it.
I'm dying for an IG trip. I really am. The Girls are nowhere I can afford to be anytime soon. Darn those girls!
The new church is okay. I think I said we're not all that excited about the reverand, but what cha gonna do? We may visit another UU church in the area.
I'm going to College Station this weekend for Parent's Weekend. My dad is in Japan, and Mom wants some company. So off I go to A&M for a weekend. *sticks finger down throat* It's a cult.
Speaking of school. Ugh! I'll never ever graduate. I went to talk to a counselor today. I still have FORTY fucking hours left. FORTY. Good God. I didn't plan to take summer classes, but I'm going to have to. And ends up a couple of the classes are going to require actual effort on my part, which we all know I'm not into. I hate effort. Hence my B average this year. You know what they call the guy that graduates last in medical school? Doctor. I just need to finish, for Pete's sake.
Is Ellen still with Portia? Once again, Good God.
I lied. I didn't finish the laundry. Off I go. Yet, remember the beauty of me is that I'm always honest when I lie.
Things are interesting. (Here is where I become self-indulgent.) Actually, I guess they aren't interesting in terms of things I might blog about. They're interesting in my head. Something has happened in the last six months that made me realize nobody gives a crap what goes on in my head, and you know, for the most part, in my life. That's okay. At any rate, I finally got a new car. FINALLY. It's a 2005 CRV. Exactly what I wanted. It just took me literally months to buy it. It's purdy. I call it the BrokeMobile. There's no real name, yet, and I refuse to call it BM. ;) The payments will suck and I'll be broke forever. But I love my car. So be it.
I'm dying for an IG trip. I really am. The Girls are nowhere I can afford to be anytime soon. Darn those girls!
The new church is okay. I think I said we're not all that excited about the reverand, but what cha gonna do? We may visit another UU church in the area.
I'm going to College Station this weekend for Parent's Weekend. My dad is in Japan, and Mom wants some company. So off I go to A&M for a weekend. *sticks finger down throat* It's a cult.
Speaking of school. Ugh! I'll never ever graduate. I went to talk to a counselor today. I still have FORTY fucking hours left. FORTY. Good God. I didn't plan to take summer classes, but I'm going to have to. And ends up a couple of the classes are going to require actual effort on my part, which we all know I'm not into. I hate effort. Hence my B average this year. You know what they call the guy that graduates last in medical school? Doctor. I just need to finish, for Pete's sake.
Is Ellen still with Portia? Once again, Good God.
I lied. I didn't finish the laundry. Off I go. Yet, remember the beauty of me is that I'm always honest when I lie.
Dawn, 7:06 PM