Dawn's Digression.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Bad Day

I had an icky day, today. After Michele left, I laid down on the couch and didn't get up again until after 6. Four hours later I'm still on the couch. Same clothes I had on when she left. I want the giant board game of life. Spin the spinner. Where the needle lands is what you do. Life is really that random anyway, isn't it? How many of the choices i make do I really make? And the choices I force, should I not be? Maybe I should let life take its courses without trying to interrupt. I don't know what I want anyway. Maybe someone else could do a little bit better for me.

I just know that tonight I'm tired. I don't know how I will find the will to get up in the morning tomorrow, but I know I will. At least I've made enough progress to understand no matter how I feel work is priority. Anyway, this is all stupid. I'm sorry. I've been drinking and I took an ambien. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up for a very very very very long time.
Dawn, 9:46 PM


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