Dawn's Digression.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Dude. American Idol is switched on tonight! (Or last night...I DVR'd it.) I'm very entertained.
In other news, I am this much closer ---> to becoming Foxy. I got to move the big weight on the scale one. You know how there are two weights on a scale? The one that counts in quarter pound increments and the one that counts in 50 pound increments? That's right, I moved that bad boy back one. Woo! I still have 49 pounds to go, but I ain't complaining.
(I spoke too soon...this chick sucks...Who is she? Ugh. Nadia. Yeah...not so much.)
In other news, I am this much closer ---> to becoming Foxy. I got to move the big weight on the scale one. You know how there are two weights on a scale? The one that counts in quarter pound increments and the one that counts in 50 pound increments? That's right, I moved that bad boy back one. Woo! I still have 49 pounds to go, but I ain't complaining.
(I spoke too soon...this chick sucks...Who is she? Ugh. Nadia. Yeah...not so much.)
Dawn, 9:24 PM