Dawn's Digression.

Monday, March 14, 2005


Okay, so Michele has been having some sort of "Come to Jesus" with herself, and has decided we will not be reproducing until we come to some sort of decision or agreement on our spirituality. While I recognize that spirituality is important to people's lives, I also recognize that a person has to be ready to accept that spirituality. I haven't been in that spot. Now, having said that...

We found a church right around the corner from our house that we are SO excited about. It is a Unitarian Universalist. We have gone twice so far, and as far as I know, intend to attend on a regular basis if it seems like a fit. The first Sunday was good, but yesterday was not. We're going to give it some more chances, though, since we are both excited. The cool thing about UU churches is that they don't practice any one doctrine. They take teachings from all over and incorporate. So, there may, on occasion, be talk of Jesus, but it will be on him as a person and his deeds, not as the son of God.

Friday night is the Drumming Circle. Sounds pretty cool. They light candles and incense and sit in a circle and drum. I am pretty sure we're going to go. Sunday after regular church is the Earth Spirit group, which per my knowledge, is a Pagan-based group. They also have Christian based groups Michele can go to if she wants. There are reading groups, movie groups, supper groups....all kinds of stuff! They're going camping on Earth Day weekend, and if things go well, I would like to go as well.

There seems to be something for everyone at this church. It's very open-minded. So far, we are the only same-sex couple we've seen at this church, but there used to be a group that met. I'm not sure what happened to that. Both weeks we've been there, they have mentioned in sermon or whatever their inclusiveness. It's awesome. I've invited Rachel & Suzy to come with us sometime...especially for Earth Spirit on Sunday. I was excited that Rachel seemed very interested. I was excited, too, because the Earth Spirit pamphlet says that Christians come to the Earth Spirit worship as well, which means it probably won't be anything Michele might consider 'weird'. Woo!
Dawn, 2:13 PM


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