Dawn's Digression.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Nothing Fits

I thought of a bazillion different titles for this entry on the way home, so it'll be interesting to see what I type up there when I'm done.

What a day. What a blessed day.

I took my final for my last class. This was not a blessed event. And I SO did not care. I bubbled in everything and gave the prof my test in a matter of 20 minutes. Let's be real...I could have sat there for 3 hours, and still would not have known the answers. As long as I didn't drop out, I'm not going to be so hard on myself. I've been doing this for a long time, after all.

Guess who Fate threw my way tonight? LeeAnn. MY LeeAnn. First of all, I wasn't supposed to go to this happy hour thing. Then I wasn't supposed to go to another bar afterwards. But I did. And she was there! I gotta tell you.....

You know, I can't right now.
I am just so happy I saw LeeAnn. I had been thinking about her lately and oddly enough, she said she had seen my business card, wedding napkin, etc within the last couple of days. We are so soulmates. Not in the capacity that we will be together in this lifetime. That's not an option, and I am completely happy with that. It's just weird.... Right when I lose her, she always comes my way again. A friend said to me that it just seems that Lee and I are meant to be in each other's lives. We are. We used to kid that maybe I was her dog in a past life. Lee hasn't been around much since I moved back from CO, but somehow, it doesn't matter. Good friends are funny like that, aren't they?

I can't wait to meet LeeAnn the next go 'round. Who knows what it will be then?

Can't decide which picture, so you get way too many. So sue me. I'm in a happy mood, so bite off.

PS. How can someone filled with so much love (that would be me) feel so damned alone so much of the time? OY!

PPS. No worries. Dr. appointment next week. We'll be adjusting meds. THANK GOD.
Dawn, 1:09 AM


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