Dawn's Digression.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Today is going to be a better day. I know this, because I will make it one!

I went to my parent's for a couple of hours yesterday and then came home and hung some pictures. I still have a long way to go, but there is one thing I can't hang myself. I've decided to accept the fact that the chi in my living room is off, and I'm just going to have to block a window with an electronic device. Ugh! I've also decided if that finch with the goofy feathers is still at Petco next time I go, he shall be mine. I've been thinking about the little guy for more than a week. Wicked cute. I know I shall love him even when my house is covered in bird seed. At least I hope I do.

I unpacked some more stuff and burned a bunch of candles and incense last night. Starting to look a lot more like home. I like this. I still don't have my Christmas tree up.....I think I'm going to wait until after finals. I can't decide if I want to do it alone or invite someone over. We'll just have to see.
Dawn, 8:47 AM


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