Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Dawn = not motivated.

To do anything.

At all.

I found a dog bone in my car last night and I was sad. Really sad. When I was at Petc0 buying a litter box the other night I was sad. I saw some cute doggy clothes at some other stores. I was sad. Sometimes I hear barking outside and I am sad.

I just went into the bedroom to make the bed and found some interesting things in bed with me. I've been taking Ambien at night, and I am very curious to know what happens before I go to sleep. This morning I found the bathtub stopper, a bag of rice cakes, and a baseball cap. Did I go to bed with a cap on? ?? I also saw this morning that I moved a bookcase. I need a night stand. I'll have to use the bookcase for awhile, and it looks stupid. Oh well. It's not like I'm entertaining a lot of folks over here. ;) What would be really cool is if I'd wake up in the morning to find the rest of this crap unpacked and my laundry put away. Why I am avoiding laundry, I haven't a clue.

I pulled up my carpet yesterday to run the cable wire. Interestingly enough, this apartment has the carpet laid properly (even if it is terribly stained!). So, I jacked it up, and now I have to go find some carpet tape to see if I can make it pretty again. If not, I'll just buy a damn throw rug and call it a done deal. I'm sad that my carpet is grody.

The trash situation here is goofy. They pick up trash at the curb on M, W, F. Um. Sometimes I have trash on Tuesday or Thursday. Maybe even Saturday! This wouldn't be a big deal if the ONE dumpster wasn't on the other side of the community. I have to pack the trash in my car and drive to the dumpster. Ugh!

I'm tired. I wonder if anyone would ever know if I took a nap?
Dawn, 11:14 AM


you sound really down. Better take care :).
need a lil help if u dont mind tat is.
what html code did u use for the drop down bar for ur archives? the one i use dont show on firefox...only on ie.

Dont be so sad. SMILE and be MErry :D
Blogger R.J, at 11:36 AM  

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